Tag: Wheelchair

Man Of Sock

Man Of Sock

“Man of Steel”, the new Superman movie, opened this past weekend with a $131 million dollar draw at the box office. I, on the other hand, NOT of supr-hero stature am rendered powerless during the summer months. He is the “Man of Steel.”  And I am the “Man of Sock.” As an MSer yourself, you …

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Access Denied

Access Denied

Because I am being a lazy bum this week, please enjoy this repeat My Odd Sock. OK, maybe “access denied” is a bit extreme. Let’s try “access impeded”…or “access inconvenienced.” Whatever you call it, if you use a wheelchair, scooter or rollator, getting around, into, or out of a place, building or activity can be …

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MS Sweet Tweets

MS Sweet Tweets

Are you on Twitter? Do you “tweet?” Me neither.  But maybe we should because Twitter is perfect for those of us with multiple sclerosis! Perfect for the reason…a message on Twitter is limited to just 140 characters. That’s an ideal size for MSers. Any larger and we would forget what we wrote the line before…Any …

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The MS Reality TV Show

The MS Reality TV Show

    Reality tv is everywhere.  You can’t channel surf without finding a show about hoarders, brides-to-be, singers, dancers, models, fat people, ugly people, addicted people or people with odd habits. Not to mention, every occupation now has its own show….chefs, bakers, truckers, loggers, tattoo artists and anyone who gets dirty on the job.   Almost …

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MS Awareness Month Greeting Cards

MS Awareness Month Greeting Cards

      March is celebrated as “MS Awareness Month” (Wee-haw!).   So I went to the neighborhood card shop to pick up a box or two of greeting cards.  I figured, what better way to honor this gimpy month than by sharing my spirit of the season with family & friends!     Much to …

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MS’s Most Devastating Condition

MS’s Most Devastating Condition

  A Message from the Editor     This edition of My Odd Sock has been rated “S” for “serious.”   The usual low-brow humor has been replaced by a lot of wah-wah, belly-aching chit-chat and visions of the world’s smallest violin playing “My Heart Bleeds For You.”         –Helen Eleanor Saggybags,  …

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MS Texting Shortcuts

MS Texting Shortcuts

      Today, texting has become a popular vehicle of communication. People of all ages use texting, rather than calling, as their preferred choice of sharing information.   Texting has spawned a whole new, Internet language of word & phrase shorthand to aid in rapid conversation.   Not to be left out, those of …

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Swiss Army Knife of Treatment

Swiss Army Knife of Treatment

  The Swiss Army Knife. First introduced in 1859, this baby was the cat’s meow of knives! The Swiss Army Knife was decked out like a pimp’s Cadillac Coupe DeVille.  It’s the McGyver of cutlery!   Boasting not only a main blade and a smaller blade too…..plus, tweezers, a toothpick, corkscrew, can-opener, flat-head screwdriver, Phillips-head …

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The World Uphill

The World Uphill

    These pages are meant to describe one man’s awkward experiences in coping with multiple sclerosis—and one day last week pretty much summed up what it is like. Here is the play-by-play of my adventure…     The notice of my important meeting had been stuck beneath a Mickey Mouse refrigerator magnet on the …

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Shopping At Chair Level

Shopping At Chair Level

    The holiday season means it is time to hunker down into my wheelchair and face the Christmas hustle & bustle at crotch-eye level.   Yes, Christmas shopping is all the more merrier from the seated position.  (Now I know why Santa is always sitting down!)   Well, with my list in-hand, let’s roll …

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