Tag: Rollator

Surface Tension

Surface Tension

Surface tension is defined as the tendency of the surface of a liquid to resist an external force. In Odd Sock’s world, that means we can’t walk on water because the weight of our big butt is more than the water surface can support. But in the world of multiple sclerosis, surface tension is a …

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Disabled, Not Stupid

Disabled, Not Stupid

When one has disabilities of any kind, he or she may depend upon gizmos or gadgets to make life easier. Certainly as a fella with multiple sclerosis, I have more than my share of mobility aids, braces, special adapters & what not. But I recently came across something I DON”T need.  No one needs it …

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Winter Road Hazards.

Winter Road Hazards.

Please enjoy this cold, re-run of a My Odd Sock… With an interest in your public safety, My Odd Sock would like to remind you that old man winter’s ice & snow can make traveling quite treacherous–so be careful on your journey. Duh! This message isn’t just for those in motor vehicles. I’m speaking to …

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Going With The Flow

Going With The Flow

One cannot anticipate the unpredictability of MS. When you ying, it yangs.  Go left, it goes right. Yep, multiple sclerosis has a mind of its own.  And you can’t change it no matter what. So you better have a contingency plan. That’s what happened last week while doing some much needed weeding of the flower …

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Would You Or Wouldn’t You?

Would You Or Wouldn’t You?

Medical marijuana is today’s big health debate. Experts struggle over the treatment benefits. States grapple with legality issues. While our representatives in D.C. fuss over their reelection campaigns. Fourteen states already offer medical marijuana as a viable treatment option for numerous medical conditions, including MS. Meanwhile, other states are working to put the issue before …

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Man Of Sock

Man Of Sock

“Man of Steel”, the new Superman movie, opened this past weekend with a $131 million dollar draw at the box office. I, on the other hand, NOT of supr-hero stature am rendered powerless during the summer months. He is the “Man of Steel.”  And I am the “Man of Sock.” As an MSer yourself, you …

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Access Denied

Access Denied

Because I am being a lazy bum this week, please enjoy this repeat My Odd Sock. OK, maybe “access denied” is a bit extreme. Let’s try “access impeded”…or “access inconvenienced.” Whatever you call it, if you use a wheelchair, scooter or rollator, getting around, into, or out of a place, building or activity can be …

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The MS Reality TV Show

The MS Reality TV Show

    Reality tv is everywhere.  You can’t channel surf without finding a show about hoarders, brides-to-be, singers, dancers, models, fat people, ugly people, addicted people or people with odd habits. Not to mention, every occupation now has its own show….chefs, bakers, truckers, loggers, tattoo artists and anyone who gets dirty on the job.   Almost …

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“Write-It-Yourself” MS Photo Captions

“Write-It-Yourself” MS Photo Captions

    It’s time we had a little fun with our multiple sclerosis. (Like everyday is a real gas, right?) So in this My Odd Sock, the selection committee (me) has posted several photographs depicting life with MS.   Next, the creative services department (me) has added three (hopefully) funny captions to each photograph.   …

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On The Double

On The Double

        In baseball, we have the double play.           There’s the double dip ice cream cone.             We have my favorite gum “Dubble Bubble.”           And today, My Odd Sock “gimps” with…..     ….double canes!         …

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