Tag: MS

Talking Telehealth

Talking Telehealth

  So an upcoming MS check with my specialist will take place via telehealth. My first time.  And I have so many questions! Nothing about MS, mind you.  But about everything else.   First off, what will we talk about? I’m doing fine.  Plugging along. I’m happy with my treatment regimen (Ocrevus for MS, Botox …

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Medical Mishap

Medical Mishap

  I hesitate even sharing this story as it causes great personal embarrassment. But as My Odd Sock is about keeping it real with multiple sclerosis, I’ll spin this tale of my most recent appointment. As you may know I get injections of Botox in my legs (calves, hamstrings & inner thighs) every three months …

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Listen Up

Listen Up

  These are crazy times indeed. Unusual?  Yes.  Disturbing?  Oh yeah.  Overwhelmingly mind-blowing?  Definitely. Then, add multiple sclerosis into the fray and you get an absolute shit-storm. A stressor like mixing Mentos & Diet Coke. It’s really bad if you are a news hound such as myself.  I like to keep up on the latest …

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Med Mash

Med Mash

  Just how DO they come up with the crazy-ass names for prescription drugs? One must wonder. It’s always some weird consonant/vowel combo that gives your tongue a charlie-horse trying to pronounce them. You got to be a patient AND a linguist. I have a theory.  I believe they put Scrabble tiles in a cup, …

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The Fine Print

The Fine Print

  You ever read the fine print? Ever read the legalese mumbo-jumbo terms of agreement or do you just click ‘accept’ like I do? Of course you don’t read the fine print.  Heck, you can barely see it, right? Well don’t despair, you are not alone.  I am right there with you.   Recently I …

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The Infusion Room

The Infusion Room

  There were only four of us in the infusion room on this particular day.  Four of us with arms exposed. IV’s in. Drip, drip, dripping away.     All four of us sharing the dreaded ick, multiple sclerosis. But how different each of us were when you really thought about it.   There was …

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Shecky Tremble (MS comedian)

Shecky Tremble (MS comedian)

  NOTE:  For the first time since this blog began in 2009, My Odd Sock hands over the reigns to the up & coming MS comedian, Shecky Tremble. The following is a transcript of Shecky’s recent performance at Gimp’s Comedy Club.  Let the show begin…..   Emcee:  “Welcome everyone to Gimps Comedy Club.  We have …

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Outta My Routine

Outta My Routine

I’ve been out of sorts lately.  Family matters, holidays–you know the drill.  I wanted to write about it…till I realized I wrote pretty much the same damn thing in “Outta My Routine” from 2015 as well as “The Routine of MS” from way back in 2011. So instead of writing something fresh, I am taking …

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Good News Bad News

Good News Bad News

    With everything there is good news and bad news. Including multiple sclerosis. Here are some good news/bad news scenarios you may find familiar. Enjoy…..     Good News You are just six steps from the nearest bathroom. Bad News You begin peeing after five. +++++   Good News Your doctor is happy to …

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Writings On The Wall

Writings On The Wall

  The MRI is such a familiar, routine procedure when you have multiple sclerosis. Inside the tube is so generic.  Staring at those empty walls, I think they could use some graffiti.  But what would it be? Here are some of my ideas of writings on the wall…               …

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