Tag: MS

Getting In & Getting Out

Getting In & Getting Out

    Okay smarty-pants. One of the hardest things to do when you have multiple sclerosis is.. “Climbing stairs?” No. “Buttoning a shirt? Naa. “Putting on socks & shoes during leg spasms? Close.   For me, one of the hardest things to do, being blessed with MS, is getting into and getting out of a …

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Handicap Hate Crime

Handicap Hate Crime

    Hate crimes are not uncommon these days. Terrible acts of rage and intolerance have plagued the issues of race, color, gender and sexual orientation among others. But never have crimes of hate been so blatant against one such group. Of course, I am referring to the recent attacks on one man. They are……. …

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It’s Getting Hot In Here

It’s Getting Hot In Here

Because I am too cranky to come up with something new, I finally decided to repost this fitting My Odd Sock. Swelter…and enjoy!      Summer is here in all its glory.  And like you, I’m stuck inside, chomping at the bit to get out to enjoy summer’s splendor.  The Heatmeister’s “hot & humid” conditions make it …

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The MS Craps Shoot

The MS Craps Shoot

    It was maddening watching him explain his success. How, for ten years now, he has fended off the ill effects of multiple sclerosis. I’m talking about Montel William’s recent appearance on the “Doctor Oz” TV show. Montel was revealing his secrets for healthy living.  And I began to wonder if I should follow …

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Can You Lend A Hand

Can You Lend A Hand

  Is it me? Is it my MS-riddled fumble fingers? Or is it an evil conspiracy of product manufacturers that I can’t open a bag, carton, container, jar or can without using some tool resembling the “jaws of life.”   Try opening a package of Gillette Sensor razor blades?  My God, King Tut’s tomb opened …

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How Dumb Are We Getting?

How Dumb Are We Getting?

  Statistics indicate we are an intelligent group. A 2009 study reported that of all Americans age 25 and over….86.6% are high school graduates.  55.6% had some college training.  And 38.% were college graduates.   Educated, yet hidden among my slices of turkey, I found this little packet of a drying agent clearly marked “Do …

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Rest In Peace

Rest In Peace

  In Memoriam My Odd Sock’s beloved Pen  Pen June 2009-April 2011   Pen departed this life peacefully Friday morning in the hand of My Odd Sock. A tireless worker, pen was the devoted, creative transcriptionist who painstakingly recorded the bizarre thoughts dribbling from the brain case of My Odd Sock.       Pen …

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Audio Earwax

Audio Earwax

    Let’s poke fun at the funeral home business! Enjoy this :60 mp3 parody commercial for a new burial option. Just click on the title at the end of this sentence to hear about the Earl S. Dietz Funeral Home   “Earl S. Dietz Funeral Home” was written by My Odd Sock and produced …

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