Tag: MS

My Doc Is Right For Me

My Doc Is Right For Me

A My Odd Sock apology.  I’m having a Dr. Phil moment. My doc is right for me.  And me for him.  We’re a good fit. We both do our best to keep multiple sclerosis at arm’s length. Finding a doctor that suits your style is half the battle when combating MS or ANY disease for …

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Spirit Booster

Spirit Booster

There is no doubt about it—multiple sclerosis can dish out some pretty heavy licks to a person physically, but I believe the mental aspects of the disease are just as severe. MS crushes confidence. It strips a person’s self-worth like a putty knife on wallpaper. Multiple sclerosis attacks your “will” until it becomes a “won’t.” …

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MS Sweet Tweets

MS Sweet Tweets

Are you on Twitter? Do you “tweet?” Me neither.  But maybe we should because Twitter is perfect for those of us with multiple sclerosis! Perfect for the reason…a message on Twitter is limited to just 140 characters. That’s an ideal size for MSers. Any larger and we would forget what we wrote the line before…Any …

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Absence Of Knowledge

Absence Of Knowledge

    Reading about last week’s death of Annette Funicello, a long-time sufferer of multiple sclerosis, I uncovered a quote by hear I found to be interesting. The article stated when Funicello was finally diagnosed, she recalled…”I knew nothing about MS, and you are afraid of the unknown.  I plowed into books.”   Thinking about …

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Attention-Getting Headlines

Attention-Getting Headlines

      You gotta love the magazine rack at the check-out. It’s so nice of the store to offer reading material for those of us standing in line!  I mean, they’re there for the same reason the doctor puts magazines in the lobby, right? The headlines of these rag-mags fascinate me the most–as the …

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Being Labeled

Being Labeled

      I don’t like being labeled. All my life I have been able to shuck & jive my way out of being labeled as a nerd, geek, suck-up, dweeb and idiot. (OK maybe “idiot” is still up in the air, but I’m trying.) It’s this current label I just can’t escape.   Call …

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Stem Cell Study: Three Months Later

Stem Cell Study: Three Months Later

      Because many of us with multiple sclerosis have the memory of a gnat, I’ll recap my participation in the MS-based stem cell research study at the Cleveland Clinic.   Twenty-four lucky souls were chosen to take part in this first-ever study. Bone marrow was taken from my hips.  The stem cells were …

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My Odd Sock #300

My Odd Sock #300

      Welcome to a very special My Odd Sock!     Who would have guessed when this dimly-lit, waste of Internet band-width first posted back in July of ’09, it would still be around 300 posts later! Yes, this is My Odd Sock’s 300th Celebration Retrospect!…a look back at the best (and mostly …

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    “Na-NaNa-Na-Na.” Don’t bother.  That’s just my MS-infested body making fun of me. Teasing.  Taunting. Eh, I’m use to it by now.  Similar to living with an older brother, we all get accustomed to the abuse after a while. That’s why MS moves around your body.  Sometimes…it’s your hands.  Other times, it’s your legs.  …

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So How Did You Meet?

So How Did You Meet?

        It’s Valentines Week as My Odd Sock takes a tongue-N-cheek look at his relationship.         Interviewer-   So when and how did you two meet? My Odd Sock-   It was back in the spring of ’96.  Just passing glances for quite a while.  You know, like when you see …

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