Tag: MS

For Men Only

For Men Only

This was written for MEN with multiple sclerosis. Written from a man’s perspective. Understood by those of us with a “Y” chromosome. If females try to read this, they will become confused by the hidden, secret code words (topics only guys understand) scattered throughout in bold face type. I hear you brother—you got diagnosed with …

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MS Fact Or Fiction

MS Fact Or Fiction

Like any disease, multiple sclerosis has its share of misinformation being circulated by word of mouth or via the Internet. While many, more credible sources, word to dispel the major myths of MS, here at My Odd Sock, we are busy clearing away the lesser known hearsay of our disease. With that, we present “MS …

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Your Go-To Feel-Good Song

Your Go-To Feel-Good Song

MS or not, each of us has our share of good days and bad. When in the middle of a bad day, the dark clouds seem to swirl around your head…bringing you down like water draining in a bathtub (minus the hair & soap scum). To avoid getting sucked down the drain of despair, folks …

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Nice Pair!

Nice Pair!

When you have MS related foot-drop like I do, a nice pair is essential. Shoes, that is. A nice pair of shoes. Not even a pair of shoes that look good.  I’m referring to shoes that easily tread over ALL surfaces. Not too grippy, but not too slippery. Too much grip or too much slip …

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Conversation Killers

Conversation Killers

Conversation Killers. When a conversation comes to a screeching halt. When someone pulls the emergency brake during a discussion. Sure.  You’ve been involved in a gabfest when something is said that suddenly sucks the air out of the room. And if you have multiple sclerosis, the guilty conversation killer may just be your illness! I’ve …

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MS Hall Of Fame

MS Hall Of Fame

An MS Hall of Fame, why didn’t we think of this before?  Oh, that’s right–we probably did, but forgot. Every sport has its own hall of fame to immortalize heroes of the past. Every genre of music also has its own hall of fame to honor the greats. So I’m thinking we need a Hall …

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Grab A Mop, I Think I’m Melting

Grab A Mop, I Think I’m Melting

NOW I understand why Frosty got a little nutsy when the mercury began to climb. Sweating like Mike Tyson at a spelling bee, he was. If you are living anywhere south of the Arctic Circle, you know it’s been hot.  Humid too.  The dynamic duo of disaster for those of us with multiple sclerosis. “I’ll …

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Man Of Sock

Man Of Sock

“Man of Steel”, the new Superman movie, opened this past weekend with a $131 million dollar draw at the box office. I, on the other hand, NOT of supr-hero stature am rendered powerless during the summer months. He is the “Man of Steel.”  And I am the “Man of Sock.” As an MSer yourself, you …

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My Odd Sock Final Exam

My Odd Sock Final Exam

It’s the end of the school year. And time to take your final exam. Let’s see how much you know about multiple sclerosis…and what you have learned from this web site.  (Really?  Are you kidding me?) Let’s begin….. Name ______________ Question #1 This picture represents… A)   “Sticky”, Hallmark’s mascot for Secretaries day. B)   …

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You Are Worth A Fortune

You Are Worth A Fortune

Multiple sclerosis may have squashed your self-image. It may have slashed your self-worth. But now my fellow MSer, you can hold your head high (If you are not too fatigued). Because the New York Post has reported that rich people are hiring the disabled as “tour guides” at Walt Disney World! What? Me?  A tour …

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