Tag: MS

Candid Conversations

Candid Conversations

You have probably wondered what exactly your MS meds are doing. But are you curious about what they may be saying? I was. So I used a highly-sensitive recording device to capture the conversations between several syringes. Here, in a My Odd Sock exclusive, are excerpts of my findings…. Yes, quite compelling indeed.  I thought …

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My Odd Sock MS Midterm Exam

My Odd Sock MS Midterm Exam

Well, you’ve made it halfway through the school year. But before you can enjoy the holiday break, you must take the dreaded MS Midterm Exam. Let’s hope you’ve paid attention during your doctor’s visits.  Studied up with Momentum magazine and the other outstanding online MS resources.  And of course, kept up-to-date with the usual brain-numbings …

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Exercise Your Face Off

Exercise Your Face Off

Warning:  This post contains pictures that may frighten young children.  Please “exercise” caution. People workout for their pecs, abs, bi’s, tri’s, traps, delts, lats, quads, hammy’s & glutes—but they rarely exercise the muscles….of their face! Did you know you have 43 muscles in your face just waiting to be used? Instead, we let gravity take …

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Falling With Grace

Falling With Grace

It’s hard to avoid….the floor that is. With multiple sclerosis, your balance gets as twisted up as underwear after a full day at the amusement park. So you may take a fall or two….or three hundred. We do our best to avoid them.  But sometimes, shit happens. While falling in private is aggravating, falling in …

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Vita-Min Or Vita-Max

Vita-Min Or Vita-Max

When it comes to vitamins, no one can agree. On ANYTHING. Should you take them?  Which ones?  How many?  What dose? They can’t even agree on how much money Americans spend on vitamins & supplements each year. Some say $11 billion.  Others say $20 billion.  $30 billion.  Some estimate up to $50 billion dollars a …

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Having MS Is Like…

Having MS Is Like…

Telling someone you have multiple sclerosis is easy. Getting them to understand what you are feeling is a whole different ball game. If you have had MS for any length of time, you’ve come to know their curiosity.  Heck, you may have even been asked what having MS feels like! With that I thought it …

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The MS Time Zone

The MS Time Zone

It’s all about the big four….the Eastern…the Central…the Mountain…and the Pacific. Of course, I’m referring to the four time zones found here in the U.S. When I say “big,” I’m really talking about the Eastern, Central & Pacific only.  The Mountain is like the ugly stepchild time zone no one cares about. And what’s with …

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Going With The Flow

Going With The Flow

One cannot anticipate the unpredictability of MS. When you ying, it yangs.  Go left, it goes right. Yep, multiple sclerosis has a mind of its own.  And you can’t change it no matter what. So you better have a contingency plan. That’s what happened last week while doing some much needed weeding of the flower …

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What MS Means To Me

What MS Means To Me

Since my diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (Class of 1996  Motto: “’96 we’re not hicks!”), this disease has come to define my life in many different ways. Some for the worse, but some, I must say, for the better. So, I thought I would jot down a few examples of what MS means to me…and share …

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