Tag: MS

My MS Evolution

My MS Evolution

As a species, we are evolving. Taller.  Stronger.  Faster. That is unless you are looking at those in the buffet line at Golden Corral. “Would you like beef or ham?” OK besides that, we ARE evolving. Just take my word on it for shits & giggles. But since my MS diagnosis back in 1996, I …

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Day One

Day One

Like being etched in stone, you remember the day you were diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. For some it was a long awaited answer to lingering health problems. While for others, our “d-day” was filled with fearful thoughts of what the future holds. You remember that day like it was the back of your hand. But …

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Disabled, Not Stupid

Disabled, Not Stupid

When one has disabilities of any kind, he or she may depend upon gizmos or gadgets to make life easier. Certainly as a fella with multiple sclerosis, I have more than my share of mobility aids, braces, special adapters & what not. But I recently came across something I DON”T need.  No one needs it …

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Potty Mouth

Potty Mouth

Going to the bathroom is something most people don’t even think about. It just happens.  It’s natural. If experts say “sucking” is a baby’s first instinct, then going potty has GOT to be a close second. But to those of us with multiple sclerosis, doing our business is big business! For many, the day revolves …

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Time Well Spent

Time Well Spent

Let’s face it, time is all we have—and who knows how much we get, so why not spend some time with a little physical exercise. (GAG, GASP, CHOKE, SPIT, GROAN, CHORTLE, PUKE, WHEEZ, SNORT, COUGH) Now hear me out. The time you spend moving that body of yours will thank you back times ten. It’s …

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It Could Be Worse

It Could Be Worse

You will never forget the day you learned you had multiple sclerosis. It was difficult.  Traumatizing.  Maybe a relief for some. But over time you realized being saddled with MS wasn’t so bad. In fact, during your life, you’ll probably hear far worse things than the little sentence…”You have MS.” As an example, My Odd …

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Running On Fumes

Running On Fumes

You don’t know what it is, but lately you’ve been pooped. More pooped than usual. Listless. Groggy. You’ve gotten less done than Congress. Like being stuck in traffic on a New Jersey bridge. No Mo-Jo in your Go-Go. What’s the dealio, right? Believe me, I can relate. The last few weeks, I feel as though …

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Do You…

Do You…

When you receive a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis, it changes you. Slightly, but it changes you. To help you gain a better grasp of the person you have become, My Odd Sock has come up with this simple, seven question quiz for a better understanding of how you are coping with MS. There are no …

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My Odd Sock’s Best of 2013

My Odd Sock’s Best of 2013

Yes, it’s a little late for a “Best of 2013” post, but I’m a little slow—so it’s all good. Here at My Odd Sock, a lot happened in 2013. At least that’s what my parole officer tells me. So I thought we could take a look back at what some (none really) may consider to …

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What’s Your Type?

What’s Your Type?

When asked this question, most of us think of our preferences in the opposite sex. Blondes.  Brunettes.  Tall.  Stocky.  Blue eyes.  Brown eyes.  Manly.  Petite.  Athletic.  Confident.  Plump.  Funny.  Professional.  Black.  White.  Asian. And the list goes on and on. But what I meant to ask is….What’s YOUR Type? Are you one who “goes with …

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