Tag: MS

Most Wanted

Most Wanted

      Multiple Sclerosis (MS) has claimed the #1 spot as the Most Wanted Fugitive Disease.       Across the globe, over 2.5 million people are affected by MS.  Over 400,000 people in the United States alone. MS has been accused of burglary.  Stealing independence, mobility and quality of life.  Ruining plans.  Robbing …

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How Are You?

How Are You?

  “How are you?” is an honest enough question. But if you have cancer, MS, the bubonic plague or anything in between…you tend to hear that question more than usual. Ad nauseum, in fact. It’s a toss-up to what I hear more often…”How are you?…or the two guys eating at Sonic.  (I get it—they like …

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Two Quick Bits

Two Quick Bits

        Through the years, My Odd Sock has proven you don’t have to look far to find something funny. (Usually skipping My Odd Sock and visiting another humor site will suffice!)   Here are a couple of things I stumbled upon (I have MS–shit happens) in recent days…..       First, …

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I Told You, Remember?

I Told You, Remember?

  “I told you, remember?” I don’t know about you, but I get that alot. A-LOT. During conversations with loved ones, I’ll ask a question and hear “I told you, remember?” as their response. Sometimes it clicks and I’ll say…”Oh yeah.” Other times it fizzles & peters out like a damp firecracker.       …

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MS Playtime

MS Playtime

      We’re all mostly serious & junk about our “platonic” relationships with multiple sclerosis.   That’s why My Odd Sock has decided to call recess for a little MS Playtime! But we can’t play without toys, right?  So I gathered up a few bits to use in poking fun at our dreaded ick. …

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MS Awareness Month Greeting Cards

MS Awareness Month Greeting Cards

  March is MS Awareness Month!…I think you’ve gotten the memo on that by now! So I thought it might be nice to send cards to family & friends, letting them know of this special time of year.     A trip to the local greeting card store followed—you know the one, when you care …

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We’re #2!

We’re #2!

      C’mon, all together now…   “We’re #2, hey!   We’re #2, Yeah!”   Yes, that’s right.  According to the National MS Society, multiple sclerosis is the second most expensive disease to treat. Only congestive heart failure ranks higher.     The average health cost per family living with MS is about $70,000 …

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      We’re not doing it to be assholes. We’ve got nothing to prove. And we’re not trying to be tough, curse or defiant.   First of all, I say “we” as in “you & I” with multiple sclerosis.   We’re just trying to live with something (MS) that takes, takes & takes a …

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The Bed Zone

The Bed Zone

    I tend to sleep in the spare bedroom.  But I am not alone. Because if you have multiple sclerosis as well—you’re right there with me. With MS, slumber can be a fitful, jumpy fog of tossing & turning between muscle spasms and potty runs.   In other words, sleeping with MS, or sleeping …

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MS Dos And Don’ts

MS Dos And Don’ts

        Having multiple sclerosis isn’t difficult if you simply use a little common sense.   To give you some healthy guidelines, My Odd Sock has created the list of “MS Dos And Don’ts.”   Let’s get busy, shall we…..           DO be aware of your bladder.  Accidents happen.   …

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