Tag: MS

Grab Bar

Grab Bar

    The following is a paid-commercial announcement.     Hey MSers, tired of the same-ol night on the town? Fed up with crowded bars?  Restaurants that aren’t accessible?  With blaring music?  And too few restrooms? Then, My Odd Sock has the place for you.   Welcome to…..       Grab Bar! The exclusive …

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On The Scale

On The Scale

  Several years ago while waiting in the neurologist’s office, I began to look around.  (I’m nosy that way) Amidst the books, wall posters & models of the brain, I noticed a chart on the bulletin board. Curious, I peeked closer. What I saw disturbed me.  Downright frightened me. Turns out the “chart” was acutally …

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Sock It To Me

Sock It To Me

    Tend to think I can handle myself around a gym.   Heck, I’ve been working out since I was 16. And although MS has slowed me down a bit, I still manage to exercise five or six times a week in the privacy of my basement.   So when I’m out of town …

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MS Know-It-All

MS Know-It-All

      Think you’re an MS Know-It-All?   Do you yawn your way through routine visits with your neurologist?   Are you up-to-snuff with all the new fangled treatment options for the ick we call multiple sclerosis?       If so, you are WAY too intelligent for any challenge offered by this website. …

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MS Bingo

MS Bingo

    If you are reading this, two things are certain: 1)-  You have multiple sclerosis (Or some related chronic ick.) and 2)-  You LOVE playing Bingo.   That’s why My Odd Sock has combined the two to present “MS Bingo!!!”   Below are several specially-created, MS-inspired Bingo cards to get us started…..   Card …

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Things I Don’t Understand

Things I Don’t Understand

        There are many things I don’t understand in life.   Here is an abbreviated list of just some of them…..           Nicki Minaj   Vampires   Zombies   Lord of the Rings   The Kardashians   Oil Prices   The game of Cricket   Sophia Vegara’s voice …

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Wall Walking The World

Wall Walking The World

      Wall walking has long been known as a “mobility aid” to those with multiple sclerosis. MSer’s use walls and other stable surfaces to maintain their balance by constant touching when more preferred mobility aids (ie- canes, crutches, rollators) are out of reach. Wall walkers are easy to spot as they generally must …

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You’re An Inspiration.

You’re An Inspiration.

  Everyone needs a little push now and then.  Something or someone that makes you want to dig a little deeper.  Try a little harder.  Go a little longer. Just don’t let that spark be me. Let’s back up slightly and I’ll explain. If you have been a reader of My Odd Sock for any …

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My Odd Sock’s “Picture This”

My Odd Sock’s “Picture This”

        Welcome to My Odd Sock’s “Picture This.”   It’s the MS-themed game enjoyed by gimps of all ages!   How To Play: “Picture This” is as easy to play as filling out a 1040 long form! My Odd Sock will give you a picture along with three clever (Yeah right) captions. …

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MS Crayons

MS Crayons

        Did you know since the introduction of Crayola crayons way back in 1903, more than two hundred different colors have been produced?   And did you realize NOT ONE of those over two hundred colors have anything to do with multiple sclerosis?   Shame really.     Instead, we have colors …

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