Tag: MS

Aim Of Throne

Aim Of Throne

        Multiple sclerosis does wicked things to a person’s psyche, confidence & soul.   The following is a dramatic account of one such event.     The parties involved include:   The toilet.         The floor.           And me, aka My Odd Sock.     …

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MS: How Much Do You Know?

MS: How Much Do You Know?

  So you are patting yourself on the back for your knowledge of multiple sclerosis, huh? You have read the research. Visited the websites. Books, journals, studys, ect ect. You know so much about multiple sclerosis YOU should be wearing a white coat.   But before we start calling you “Doc”, it’s time to test …

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A Clean Slate

A Clean Slate

  A clean slate. A do-over. Fresh start. Another shot. Mulligan (I ask for many in golf). Whatever you call them, everyone gets’em–and they come in darn handy!   You can enjoy a clean slate at work, school, meetings, church, gym, at home, anywhere. A chance to regroup, collect your thoughts & pull up your …

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Give It A Finger

Give It A Finger

    Multiple Sclerosis can affect so many areas of our mind & body, one needs a scorecard to keep track. One area that MS bothers me most is…my hands.   Fingers, in particular. Mind you, my middle finger works just fine.  Simply ask the driver who rides my bumper like a second coat of …

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Helping Hand

Helping Hand

  From time to time everyone can use a little extra help. Whether you are doing something around the house, filling out a complicated form or moving furniture to run the vacuum (Who does that?), a helping hand is welcome relief. Having multiple sclerosis, I routinely find myself in situations when I feel like a turtle …

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Games Your MS Will Play

Games Your MS Will Play

Let’s play this My Odd Sock one more time.  Please enjoy!   When coping with multiple sclerosis, you can learn a lot about your disease by simply looking in the toy closet. At least I did anyway.   The board games you played as a kid can provide you with a better understanding of MS.  …

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The F-Word

The F-Word

  The f-word. It’s offensive. Obscene. Vulgar. Who knew when you were knighted with the dubious distinction of having multiple sclerosis, the f-word would become a prominent part of your vocabulary. Everything seemingly revolves around the f-word. Er, wait.  Before I go any further, let’s be sure we are on the same page.   The …

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MS An Adage

MS An Adage

    Everyone is familiar with an adage….those old, well-worn truths. “Out of sight-out of mind.” “Birds of a feather flock together.” “Look before you leap.”     Seems there are a million of ’em! And did you know, many pertain to multiple sclerosis? It’s true. Here are some of the more familiar MS adages….. …

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Up & Down

Up & Down

  What is it? Is it me? The weather? Something I ate? Something I didn’t? Or, is it just plain MS?     I haven’t a clue what is causing mood swings lately. Upbeat for a few days…followed by a few dark, sour ones.   I place much of the blame-game on multiple sclerosis.  The …

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MS Goes To The Movies

MS Goes To The Movies

Let’s cool off in a movie theater watching some MS-related flicks…     Have you ever wondered what would happen if Hollywood was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis? My Odd Sock believes our favorite movies would be quite different. Roll’em and let’s see how…….         “Officer And A Gentleman With Leg Spasms”   …

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