Tag: MS

MS Has Taught Me…

MS Has Taught Me…

    Lessons? There is plenty to learn when you have multiple sclerosis. Here are just some of the valuable things MS has taught me.   MS has taught me…   …how to spell sclerosis, spasticity & exacerbation. …how to quickly reach my health insurance deductible. …how falling in grass is softer than the floor. …

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My Odd Sock’s MS Confessional

My Odd Sock’s MS Confessional

      Sometimes I fail to do the right things for multiple sclerosis.   Now is the time to enter the booth and admit my wrongs.     Forgive me doctor for I have stumbled (Sorry, no pun intended).   I have been in conversation with a familiar person while being unable to recall …

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Under Pressure

Under Pressure

    EVERYONE knows how temperature affects your multiple sclerosis but have you ever given a thought about barometric pressure? Sure you’ve heard the “weather-heads” on the news talk about barometric pressure. Do you know what it means?   Barometric pressure, or atmospheric pressure, is the force exerted against a surface by the weight of …

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Having The Big O

Having The Big O

  After years of abstinence, I must confess I succumbed to temptation. Primal urge too strong to resist. The setting was bright.  And sterile.  But I didn’t care. My mind was made up.  My heart swollen with desire. Today I would be having the big O.   Ocrevus.   Wait, what were you thinking, you filthy …

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Caption This

Caption This

    It has been said a picture is worth a thousand words. Well we’re gonna find out! In “Caption This” I will give you a picture and three possible explanations. Your job, besides staying awake through this lame bit, is choosing the best description of the picture.   Let’s begin…..   Does this picture …

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Go With It

Go With It

    You can’t make a pie if you don’t have the filling. Okay, how does that relate to multiple sclerosis, you ask? It’s a fatigue issue really.  If you don’t have the energy inside, not much is getting done out. Fatigue hits me hardest on warmer days.  Feels like I have concrete in my …

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I Can’t Wear Pants!

I Can’t Wear Pants!

    Fall is my favorite season. Leaves & their vibrant colors are beauty in nature. While the dip in temperature makes my body feel alive. Unfortunately the thermometer is dipping so much it will soon dreadfully change the way I dress.   You see I prefer to wear shorts.  My season of shorts is …

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Helping (is) Out

Helping (is) Out

  A recent event around the My Odd Sock household brought to light another ugly reason to despise multiple sclerosis. You see, I can’t do much to help.   Lending a hand is like having all thumbs. Pitching-in is more of pitching-out. Over time, I have learned it is best to back-up and stay out of …

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MS Pie Charts

MS Pie Charts

    I love pie charts.  And I love pie.  Though not necessarily in that order. Pie charts are a fantastic way to present useful information. Or in this case, nonsensical info relating to our beloved multiple sclerosis. Take a peek at these pie charts and maybe you will come away with a smile. Enjoy… …

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MS Skills

MS Skills

Because I’m feeling a bit lazy, here is something I wrote for the M.S.A.A. blog.  Enjoy.   It is difficult to accept when multiple sclerosis steals your ability to work. A lifetime of training and talent gone.  Poof. I know it was for me after giving over twenty years of sweat & soul in radio …

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