Tag: MS



  ‘Tis the holiday season and not even multiple sclerosis can sour the spirit here at My Odd Sock!   Let’s add a sprinkle of MS to our favorite Christmas songs. Join in & sing loudly as we go “MS-A-Caroling”…..     Sung to the tune of: “O Christmas Tree”   O  A-F-O, O  A-F-O, …

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Given Up?

Given Up?

  Have I? Have I bowed out? Pulled out? Backed out? Copped out? Ducked out?   Have I given up?  Have you?   I was reading an online advertisement about a new brand of sweatpants.  The makers claimed them to be the most comfortable, thinnest, stylish brand on the market. “You (and others) won’t even …

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The Faces of MS

The Faces of MS

      As you know there are many many faces of multiple sclerosis. With the help of a novelty item called “Face Coasters” I will try my best to recreate a small sample of our MS challenges & emotions. Shall we…..         Doctor:  “I’m sorry but you have multiple sclerosis.”   …

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As The Myelin Fades–Episode #2

As The Myelin Fades–Episode #2

  You didn’t ask for it, but I promised it was coming. The following sad saga captures the raw emotion, the ups & downs, the unpredictability of chronic disease. It is the long awaited second installment of the only soap opera written specifically for multiple sclerosis. My Odd Sock presents…..     “As The Myelin …

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As The Myelin Fades

As The Myelin Fades

Let us revisit the original episode of “As The Myelin Fades” as a new version is in the works…       As you know, multiple sclerosis is a disease of intrigue. A daily barrage of quirks.  An aberration of normalcy. Complete with the twists and turns of a bad TV soap opera.     …

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Getting Ready

Getting Ready

    The day’s social calendar features a wedding, thus let the preparations begin.  Chop Chop! Having multiple sclerosis you understand getting ready can be the most arduous process known to mankind. That’s why this post is for the other mere mortals in the world who may not understand our struggle.   Let these written …

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Putting It Away

Putting It Away

  I swear it’s not being picky. Or anal. Or some form of OCD. I’m not being bossy. Or a neat-nick. Or particular. I swear it’s it’s it’s multiple sclerosis’ fault!  MS made me this way. Here’s how… Multiple sclerosis eats up our energy like a Ford F-350 guzzles gas.  Therefore we need to get things …

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Your Handy Dandy AFO

Your Handy Dandy AFO

  If you have multiple sclerosis, and have MS-related foot drop, you probably already own an AFO. AFO stands for Associated Foot Oreopie or something like that (Don’t quote me) and one is worn on the lower leg to help “pick-up” your foot when walking. Beneficial as the AFO can be, you can’t wear one …

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The Quiet House

The Quiet House

      The house is still.  Too much so. After ten days our family guests left several hours ago and already I miss them. The two children mostly, ages five and almost two-years old.     For ten days this house was a storm.  A chaos of activity. Patter of non-stop little feet.  Shrieks.  …

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In The Lobby

In The Lobby

Sometimes it’s good to revisit an old My Odd Sock.  Let this be one of them…..   You’ve had a rough go of it lately. The weather hasn’t been cooperative.  Neither has your body. Your spirits seem as low as your energy level. You try to shake it.  Change your routine.  Mix it up a …

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