Tag: Kardashian



  Now that mask mandates are being lifted faster than a Kardashian tummy-tuck, only one question remains. What are you to do with all those leftover masks? You can’t donate them.  And they won’t sell at a rummage sale.  So masks have become useless unless you are involved with the Gambino crime family, right? Not …

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Nice Pair!

Nice Pair!

When you have MS related foot-drop like I do, a nice pair is essential. Shoes, that is. A nice pair of shoes. Not even a pair of shoes that look good.  I’m referring to shoes that easily tread over ALL surfaces. Not too grippy, but not too slippery. Too much grip or too much slip …

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Spirit Booster

Spirit Booster

There is no doubt about it—multiple sclerosis can dish out some pretty heavy licks to a person physically, but I believe the mental aspects of the disease are just as severe. MS crushes confidence. It strips a person’s self-worth like a putty knife on wallpaper. Multiple sclerosis attacks your “will” until it becomes a “won’t.” …

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Got It?

Got It?

    It was a brief exchange of words.  Six to be exact. Her two…”Got it?” And my wordy response of four…”Yeah, I got it.” What a scary man!     Sure, there were fewer words spoken during the Kardashian nuptial, but these six words have been bouncing around inside my empty head longer than …

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