Tag: FDR



  Strolling down the cookie aisle they are NOT hard to miss. Oreos, America’s most-popular sandwich cookie, take up a majority of sacred shelf space. Its familiar color package casts a glow making everyone look like a member of Blue Man Group. Who would have guessed Oreos could have so many varieties? The choices put …

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Disabled, Not Stupid

Disabled, Not Stupid

When one has disabilities of any kind, he or she may depend upon gizmos or gadgets to make life easier. Certainly as a fella with multiple sclerosis, I have more than my share of mobility aids, braces, special adapters & what not. But I recently came across something I DON”T need.  No one needs it …

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Unfashionably Disabled

Unfashionably Disabled

      T-shirt. Check. Pull-on shorts. Check.   I’m ready to roll.  Literally.       With MS, one must dress for comfort.  As well as a quick disrobe when nature calls faster than it takes to unbutton & unzip!     I try not to dress like a fashion train-wreck. But I know …

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2011 My Odd Sock MS Senseless Survey

2011 My Odd Sock MS Senseless Survey

  Annually, My Odd Sock conducts a very sophisticated, highly complex study of the latest trends facing those with multiple sclerosis. This year, YOU have been chosen to participate in this mindless survey of ridiculousness.    Using a #3 pencil, please answer each question as it relates to you and your MS.    You may …

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