Tag: Facebook

Becoming Meta

Becoming Meta

  It was late October when Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook CEO & poster child of bad barbering, announced his company was changing its name to Meta. Meta, short for “metaverse,” was chosen to best represent a futuristic version of what we now call the internet. Coming to agreement on a new name though, wasn’t an easy …

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    SMH, short for “shaking my head.” There are a lot of things going on in this world today that leaves one SMH. Heck this whole website is based on SMH. So to add fuel to the fire, I thought I would “pile on” with a few new items worthy of SMH distinction.   …

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You Have Friends On Faceplant!

You Have Friends On Faceplant!

  At My Odd Sock, we (I) strive to promote a world of harmony and acceptance.  A world…free of hate and ignorance.  I believe it was astronaut Neil Armstrong who said…”That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” Thus, My Odd Sock is proud to introduce……        My Odd Sock …

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