Tag: Diagnosis

Daddy’s Little Helper

Daddy’s Little Helper

  With multiple sclerosis, muscle spasms and leg tremors are a condition prerequisite…a not-so delightful appetizer before the main course, spasticity. Some people experience the involuntary movement in their arms.  But most (like me) have legs that quiver worse than a chihuahua. Such jumpiness happens at the most inopportune time as well.  Like when you’re …

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  Yeah, that’s right.  Your MS M.O. Your “modus operandi.”  Your plan. What are you doing to fight back against your hiccup of multiple sclerosis? But let’s not limit it to just MS. Whether it be arthritis, diabetes, heart disease or any of a malady of ailments–you can’t just stand there & do nothing. You …

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Would You Rather

Would You Rather

  Life is about choices. And where you are in life absolutely dictates the choices you make.  That’s certainly true when you throw multiple sclerosis into the mix.  What you may have chosen early on could differ greatly from what you prefer at this time. To find out where you are, My Odd Sock has …

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More Things

More Things

  I am sure you have seen this list of often heard gaffs…things not to say to someone with Multiple Sclerosis. You have probably heard a few yourself first-hand. These swallowable snippets are oft-uttered by someone trying to relate.  To make conversation.  And fail miserably. Hey it happens.  We’re humans.  We just don’t know when …

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Club Rulz

Club Rulz

How does this keep happening? It’s the same mistake year after year. I have cancelled my membership countless times to no avail. Despite all my efforts I still received THIS in the mail…   Looks as though I’ll have multiple sclerosis yet another year.   At least through 2023 according to the card.     But …

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Burned Out

Burned Out

  I feel burned out. Burned out in terms of multiple sclerosis, that is. And I don’t mean being dog-tired of the bummer symptoms.  We’re all in that way! I’m referring to the notion that maybe my MS has run its nasty course. The deed is done.  The worst is over so to speak. The …

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Back Scratch Fever

Back Scratch Fever

  There is nothing better than a good back scratch. Dig in with the right touch and I’ll sit there like a dozy Labrador (tongue hangs out just the same). But with me it doesn’t stop there. My back.  Neck.  Scalp.  Hands.  Shins.  Chest.  Armpits.  Head, shoulders, knees & toes.  Knees & toes.   With …

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Tired Wired

Tired Wired

  When you have had multiple sclerosis a while the usual MS talking points get somewhat boring. Humdrum.  Same-ol, same-ol. They need jazzed-up a bit to keep my (and maybe your) interest. Welcome to “Tired Wired,” where we take an old “tired” MS topic and give it a new “wired” spin. Here we go…   …

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Is This It?

Is This It?

  Is this it? What’s left? Anything else? Is that all? What now? These are just some of the questions you may find yourself asking when (or if) multiple sclerosis takes you away from something you love.   Your job.  Your favorite activity.  Hobby.  Passion.  Whatever. It happens.  And it sucks. You feel defeated. Like …

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Guilt Over Good

Guilt Over Good

  One can be guilty of many things. Mostly bad stuff comes to mind. But I ask you, can one be guilty of a GOOD thing? Here’s my dilemma. Speaking to those with multiple sclerosis, you already know that with a MS diagnosis there can be a truckload of symptoms, signs, reactions, maladies & ailments…affecting …

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