Tag: Christmas

My Christmas Dilemma

My Christmas Dilemma

  I suck at this. Sixty years of holiday experience and I still suck at this. Gift giving is what I am talking about. I am thee absolute worst gift giver EVER.     If I was one of the three wise men, only I could come up with a more inferior gift idea than …

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Holiday Hugs

Holiday Hugs

  ‘Tis the season celebrated with family & friends. Warmest greetings are exchanged.  Hearty hello’s & well wishes along with embraces of fellowship. Hugs are given to all within reach…graciously accepted by everyone–except this guy…who is shakily standing there, teetering on two canes.   You see, with multiple sclerosis, comes piss-poor balance.  And the simplest …

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Guzzle Gifts

Guzzle Gifts

    Got a drinker on your gift list? How about a bottle of wine from a local winery? Some crafted beer from an area brewpub? Or fine spirits from your state agency?   Then, head to Ollie’s to get your party started!     If you are not familiar, Ollie’s is a closeout retailer …

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A Big Red Bow

A Big Red Bow

    Putting a big red bow on a gift carries significant meaning. A big red bow says this is it!  The top gift!  None better!  What you always wanted!  A show stopper! That’s why you don’t put a big red bow on dish towels, socks or underwear.     A big red bow belongs …

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Driving Me (Christmas) Crazy

Driving Me (Christmas) Crazy

  I just don’t get it. I worked in advertising, media, marketing for over twenty years and I still don’t understand. During the holiday season car companies seem to come out by the fleet-load to sell product. You can’t watch television for ten minutes without a car commercial for Chevy, Ford, Kia, Toyota, Mercedes Benz, …

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A Christmas Quiz

A Christmas Quiz

    We are in the smack-dab middle of the holiday season. The perfect time to test your knowledge of all things Christmas. During this festive quiz, you will need to select the answer which best completes the following statements. Let’s begin…..   1.  On Christmas Eve, Santa Claus comes down the chimney: A)  so …

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  ‘Tis the holiday season and not even multiple sclerosis can sour the spirit here at My Odd Sock!   Let’s add a sprinkle of MS to our favorite Christmas songs. Join in & sing loudly as we go “MS-A-Caroling”…..     Sung to the tune of: “O Christmas Tree”   O  A-F-O, O  A-F-O, …

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Driving For Christmas

Driving For Christmas

  It truly IS a special time of year. The nip in the air.  The bustle of busy people. And the excitement of a certain day to come.   Yes, Hyundai Holidays are here. Cars shined bright. Salesmen in sweaters way too tight.         The wreaths, ribbons & lights so fond… can …

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My Odd Sock Christmas Wish List

My Odd Sock Christmas Wish List

Dear Santa, Hope you are well. I have been a good MSer this year. Listed below are some things I would like for Christmas……       Soap-On-A-Rope-   It is amazing how many times the bar of soap slips from my hands during a shower. I end up kicking the soap with the foot skills …

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Worst Toys of 2015

Worst Toys of 2015

      Still shopping for last-minute holiday toys for little Johnny or Suzie? Well keep looking as My Odd Sock presents the “Worst Toys of 2015.”   Just what every kid doesn’t need—we got’em right here!         Let’s begin with what could be the unsafest toy in the store…the Giant-Sized Jumbling Tower. …

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