Tag: Canes

Hope For Humanity

Hope For Humanity

      As a kid growing up, I often heard the older folks complaining about the world “goin to hell.”  “The future being doomed” and “Kid’s today don’t know their asses from a hole in the ground.” (Their words not mine.)   I suppose they thought that way because elders said the same about …

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Stick It To Me

Stick It To Me

  Around the holidays money can run a little thin.  Everything adds up prompting me to wonder what I (with MS and two mostly dead legs) could do to earn a few extra bucks. Since being a male escort was off the table, I decided to answer my calling…actually a newspaper ad…and donate my plasma! …

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MS Bingo

MS Bingo

    If you are reading this, two things are certain: 1)-  You have multiple sclerosis (Or some related chronic ick.) and 2)-  You LOVE playing Bingo.   That’s why My Odd Sock has combined the two to present “MS Bingo!!!”   Below are several specially-created, MS-inspired Bingo cards to get us started…..   Card …

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My Odd Sock’s “Picture This”

My Odd Sock’s “Picture This”

        Welcome to My Odd Sock’s “Picture This.”   It’s the MS-themed game enjoyed by gimps of all ages!   How To Play: “Picture This” is as easy to play as filling out a 1040 long form! My Odd Sock will give you a picture along with three clever (Yeah right) captions. …

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Most Wanted

Most Wanted

      Multiple Sclerosis (MS) has claimed the #1 spot as the Most Wanted Fugitive Disease.       Across the globe, over 2.5 million people are affected by MS.  Over 400,000 people in the United States alone. MS has been accused of burglary.  Stealing independence, mobility and quality of life.  Ruining plans.  Robbing …

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Puppy Pound

Puppy Pound

        There comes a time in your life with multiple sclerosis when you raise a white flag to admit defeat.   Something is just too much. Too demanding. You’re in over your head. You’ve bitten off more than you can chew. (Insert your own lame cliche here.)       It could …

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Happy MS Anniversary To Me

Happy MS Anniversary To Me

    Feeling rather lazy today, I decided to post an article I wrote for the Ohio Buckeye Chapter Fall 2014 MS Connection newsletter.  (Yes, it is amazing someone else would let my work ruin their fine reputation!) But they did.  And here it is….     Fall holds a special place in my heart. …

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Surface Tension

Surface Tension

Surface tension is defined as the tendency of the surface of a liquid to resist an external force. In Odd Sock’s world, that means we can’t walk on water because the weight of our big butt is more than the water surface can support. But in the world of multiple sclerosis, surface tension is a …

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Smile & Say Cheese

Smile & Say Cheese

Taking photos has been the long standing way of capturing memories and good times. Who doesn’t enjoy looking through old photo albums or diving into a box of loose pictures to relive special places, holidays, family, friends and shared moments. Today, most cell phones feature built-in cameras, so even more photos are being taken. This …

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Winter Road Hazards.

Winter Road Hazards.

Please enjoy this cold, re-run of a My Odd Sock… With an interest in your public safety, My Odd Sock would like to remind you that old man winter’s ice & snow can make traveling quite treacherous–so be careful on your journey. Duh! This message isn’t just for those in motor vehicles. I’m speaking to …

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