Tag: Canes

Helping (is) Out

Helping (is) Out

  A recent event around the My Odd Sock household brought to light another ugly reason to despise multiple sclerosis. You see, I can’t do much to help.   Lending a hand is like having all thumbs. Pitching-in is more of pitching-out. Over time, I have learned it is best to back-up and stay out of …

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MS Horoscope

MS Horoscope

      Everyone knows a horoscope is used to forecast futures and a person’s character based on the position of stars & planets at the time of their birth. Yeah, whether or not that is true is a toss-up. Some believe.  Others don’t. But mostly horoscopes are enjoyed for entertainment with a dash of …

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Party Pooper

Party Pooper

        I’m always sorta glad when the holidays are over. The social atmoshere of family gatherings, Christmas parties & New Year festivities make me stick out like Santa Claus during Hanukkah.   Mind you, I was never a life of the party. But I was certainly a more active participant in years …

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Raising Canes

Raising Canes

    Although being “blessed” with multiple sclerosis for over 20 years now, it has only been the last eight or so that I have been leaning on a cane.   Or ‘canes’ as I now use two. In the beginning there was the typical public embarrassment. Getting use to the stares as a seemingly …

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Royal Flush

Royal Flush

    I shuffled into the restroom at the roadside McDonalds. With multiple sclerosis, when the urge hits–you must take care of business! That’s the great thing about McDonalds–they’re everywhere.  I call them “America’s corporate rest stop.” It also may explain why the arches are golden…but that’s a whole nuther discussion!     Making my …

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Super Slo-Mo

Super Slo-Mo

  Things are moving slowly these days. Especially when you include my feet. It feels as though I am moving through molasses.  Like the world is covered with the scratchy side of velcro–and my feet are soft & fuzzy.  (They truly ARE soft & fuzzy.)     Foot drop in both tootsies doesn’t help matters. …

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MS and the Makeup Mirror

MS and the Makeup Mirror

    MS and the makeup mirror? What on Earth does a makeup mirror have to do with multiple sclerosis? Now before you think My Odd Sock has blown a hole in the toe, let me explain.   It’s no surprise to someone when I tell them I have MS. Outfitted with canes, a wheelchair, …

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Twenty Things I Have Learned Having MS

Twenty Things I Have Learned Having MS

How many can you relate with?  Please enjoy this re-run of an old My Odd Sock…..       It’s true.  My Odd Sock has been away for quite a while.  (Just long enough for the nightmares to subside, right?)   But my time away hasn’t all been wasted.  (Most of it yes, but not …

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Use Your Tools

Use Your Tools

    As one with multiple sclerosis, walking, yeah simple walking, can be a misadventure of mobility.  (Tell me something I don’t know!) But trying to carry something while walking can be a downright catastrophe! Especially if you are like me and use a mobility aid like canes, crutches, rollator, wheelchair, scooter…or a combo of …

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Hope For Humanity

Hope For Humanity

      As a kid growing up, I often heard the older folks complaining about the world “goin to hell.”  “The future being doomed” and “Kid’s today don’t know their asses from a hole in the ground.” (Their words not mine.)   I suppose they thought that way because elders said the same about …

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