Tag: bladder

Naming Your MS Blog

Naming Your MS Blog

Hope you enjoy this previously soiled My Odd Sock! So you want to write about your MS in a blog?  That’s great!  What you’ll need to do first is think of a unique name for your blog and register it as a domain name with a company like Go Daddy.com.  (Yes, I hate Go Daddy’s …

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What MS Means To Me

What MS Means To Me

Since my diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (Class of 1996  Motto: “’96 we’re not hicks!”), this disease has come to define my life in many different ways. Some for the worse, but some, I must say, for the better. So, I thought I would jot down a few examples of what MS means to me…and share …

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The BCS MS Bowl Season

The BCS MS Bowl Season

    On Sunday, the BCS announced the complete college football bowl schedule. Thirty-five games in all.  And once again, not one game–not a single down, will be played in honor of those of us with multiple sclerosis.   Shunned.  Those rat bastards.   Well, my shuffling friend, all that is about to change! My Odd …

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Gotta Go Right Now

Gotta Go Right Now

  This may be from the past, but it is still true today.  Enjoy!   I hear ya.  You’re saying “Another MS post about bladder control?…We know the drill.  Take a pill would you!” Alas, you are wrong! This isn’t about the bladder or the enlarging prostate at all—it’s about my self-described “gotta go mode.” …

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MS’s Most Devastating Condition

MS’s Most Devastating Condition

  A Message from the Editor     This edition of My Odd Sock has been rated “S” for “serious.”   The usual low-brow humor has been replaced by a lot of wah-wah, belly-aching chit-chat and visions of the world’s smallest violin playing “My Heart Bleeds For You.”         –Helen Eleanor Saggybags,  …

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MS Mind Games

MS Mind Games

    Multiple Sclerosis has taken a lot from you. Maybe it’s your balance…ability to walk…your vision …or bladder control.  Or maybe you are one of the lucky few where MS has taken all of the above!  (Too bad you weren’t that lucky with a lottery ticket!)   Swallowing some pride, many of these problems …

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I. P. Freely

I. P. Freely

    Nah, this isn’t about the work of legendary folk-lore author, I. P. Freely It’s about bladder control pure and simple.  Or lack thereof in regards to many of us with multiple sclerosis.     You see, most of the time I HAVE bladder control.  This is about the times when my bladder controls …

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Morning Rush Hour

Morning Rush Hour

  It’s a race every morning. A grit-your-teeth, forehead-vein-popping, tendons-in-the-neck-straining, all-out-footrace-to-the-bathroom struggle to make it before it’s too late.   Call it the “morning rush,” “bladder patter,” “porcelain jog,” or the “rush to flush,” however you refer to it, making it to the bathroom in the morning for me can be trouble. If you too …

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