Tag: bladder

Most Wanted

Most Wanted

      Multiple Sclerosis (MS) has claimed the #1 spot as the Most Wanted Fugitive Disease.       Across the globe, over 2.5 million people are affected by MS.  Over 400,000 people in the United States alone. MS has been accused of burglary.  Stealing independence, mobility and quality of life.  Ruining plans.  Robbing …

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The Bed Zone

The Bed Zone

    I tend to sleep in the spare bedroom.  But I am not alone. Because if you have multiple sclerosis as well—you’re right there with me. With MS, slumber can be a fitful, jumpy fog of tossing & turning between muscle spasms and potty runs.   In other words, sleeping with MS, or sleeping …

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MS Dos And Don’ts

MS Dos And Don’ts

        Having multiple sclerosis isn’t difficult if you simply use a little common sense.   To give you some healthy guidelines, My Odd Sock has created the list of “MS Dos And Don’ts.”   Let’s get busy, shall we…..           DO be aware of your bladder.  Accidents happen.   …

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Another My Odd Sock Turkey

Another My Odd Sock Turkey

      Thanksgiving is just days away!   Which means you had better start preparing for your Thursday feast.   But just where do you begin?   Not to worry my friend as My Odd Sock shows you everything you’ll need to set a grand table that would make John Smith proud.     …

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One Dedicated Worker

One Dedicated Worker

    Have you heard the one about the Americans being too afraid to take a day off work? It’s no joke. A recent survey conducted by a market research firm, polled over 1,300 workers to find that 40 percent of us don’t use all of our paid time off. Never takes a vacation.  Never …

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MS Commencement Ceremony

MS Commencement Ceremony

It was held-back the last time, so enjoy this graduation post one more time! Tis that time of year when smiling, fresh faces cross the stage to receive their diplomas. It is a time to celebrate not only, the hard work and commitment of years past, but also the enticement of what lies ahead in …

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My Odd Sock’s MS Emoticons

My Odd Sock’s MS Emoticons

Sharing emoticons in our modern-day communications have become as popular as sharing the cold virus with a handshake. The cutesy smiling face 🙂 adds a happy tone to a sentence. While a frowny face 🙁 can alert others you are not having a good day. As frequently as emoticons are used in emails & text …

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Quit Your Belly-Aching

Quit Your Belly-Aching

If you don’t mind, I gotta get something off my chest. It’s been bothering me for some time now, so maybe it gets your knickers in a twist as well. Fact is, I have multiple sclerosis.  You probably have MS too. Either that or you have some other gimpy malady that lumps you in with …

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Potty Mouth

Potty Mouth

Going to the bathroom is something most people don’t even think about. It just happens.  It’s natural. If experts say “sucking” is a baby’s first instinct, then going potty has GOT to be a close second. But to those of us with multiple sclerosis, doing our business is big business! For many, the day revolves …

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Christmas Snickerz

Christmas Snickerz

Ah, tis the holiday season. The lights.  The trees.  The tinsel. Every where you look, one must love the festive atmosphere. Even here at the My Odd Sock corporate office, every room is decorated in Christmas splendor. That fact came to my realization just yesterday, as I tried to use the company facility (bathroom). My …

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