Tag: AFO



  ‘Tis the holiday season and not even multiple sclerosis can sour the spirit here at My Odd Sock!   Let’s add a sprinkle of MS to our favorite Christmas songs. Join in & sing loudly as we go “MS-A-Caroling”…..     Sung to the tune of: “O Christmas Tree”   O  A-F-O, O  A-F-O, …

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Your Handy Dandy AFO

Your Handy Dandy AFO

  If you have multiple sclerosis, and have MS-related foot drop, you probably already own an AFO. AFO stands for Associated Foot Oreopie or something like that (Don’t quote me) and one is worn on the lower leg to help “pick-up” your foot when walking. Beneficial as the AFO can be, you can’t wear one …

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MS An Adage

MS An Adage

    Everyone is familiar with an adage….those old, well-worn truths. “Out of sight-out of mind.” “Birds of a feather flock together.” “Look before you leap.”     Seems there are a million of ’em! And did you know, many pertain to multiple sclerosis? It’s true. Here are some of the more familiar MS adages….. …

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MS and the Makeup Mirror

MS and the Makeup Mirror

    MS and the makeup mirror? What on Earth does a makeup mirror have to do with multiple sclerosis? Now before you think My Odd Sock has blown a hole in the toe, let me explain.   It’s no surprise to someone when I tell them I have MS. Outfitted with canes, a wheelchair, …

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Playing Footsie

Playing Footsie

    I do not have a foot fetish. It only appears that way. Through illness (multiple sclerosis), I have become obsessed by how feet do their thang (or how they don’t in my case). Though I am not alone in my preoccupation as most MSer’s I know have the same problems.  A “one-size-fits-all” if …

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MS Bingo

MS Bingo

    If you are reading this, two things are certain: 1)-  You have multiple sclerosis (Or some related chronic ick.) and 2)-  You LOVE playing Bingo.   That’s why My Odd Sock has combined the two to present “MS Bingo!!!”   Below are several specially-created, MS-inspired Bingo cards to get us started…..   Card …

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      It’s time to jam with My Odd Sock’s “MS-A-Band.” What’s that? “MS-A-Band” is where we inject, err sorry, I mean infuse, eh no better, I meant add some multiple sclerosis to our favorite bands, singers & musical artists.     A fun, mash-up of music and MS.  A tingly DX of solos …

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MS Fact Or Fiction

MS Fact Or Fiction

Like any disease, multiple sclerosis has its share of misinformation being circulated by word of mouth or via the Internet. While many, more credible sources, word to dispel the major myths of MS, here at My Odd Sock, we are busy clearing away the lesser known hearsay of our disease. With that, we present “MS …

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Conversation Killers

Conversation Killers

Conversation Killers. When a conversation comes to a screeching halt. When someone pulls the emergency brake during a discussion. Sure.  You’ve been involved in a gabfest when something is said that suddenly sucks the air out of the room. And if you have multiple sclerosis, the guilty conversation killer may just be your illness! I’ve …

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Hardest Time Of The Day

Hardest Time Of The Day

      With multiple sclerosis, you and I both know what ails us can change from one day to the next. We are doing fine on Tuesday…but on Wednesday, we become a mime who doesn’t simply “feel” the wall–we run face first, smack-dab into it!       Unfortunately, not only can our MS …

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