Candy Hearts

Candy Hearts

Enjoy this sweet treat of a past My Odd Sock…..     Everyone adores the little candy hearts so popular this time of year. In fact, Neeco, the world’s renowned Sweetheart manufacturer, has been making them & sharing love since 1902! The touching phrases found on each heart have changed over the years, but they …

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I’m Tired Of…

I’m Tired Of…

  I am offering myself this platform to speak out. I am an eight-year member of AARP.  I wear Rockports.  I drive slow.  I am losing my hair.  Correction: not losing hair, it’s just growing in the wrong places. I get cranky and have to let it out before I have a stroke. So here …

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MS Then/Now

MS Then/Now

  When you have multiple sclerosis, or any chronic disease for that matter, things change over time. Lifestyles, habits & routines evolve into a completely different scene.  I know as I’ve changed since my MS diagnosis back in 1996. Here’s a Then/Now look at a few of those changes. Maybe you can relate!…..   Silly …

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For Sale By Owner

For Sale By Owner

    Ever been given a gift you didn’t want? A gift you didn’t ask for? A gift you have never used since? Of course you have.  We all have.     With most gifts you can return them.  But this particular gift, I would be too embarrassed to take back. It was a shiny …

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As the Myelin Fades #4

As the Myelin Fades #4

    Sappy music and endless commercials for household cleaners & walk-in tubs can only mean it’s time for another gut-punching episode of the only daytime drama devoted to multiple sclerosis. Welcome to…..”As the Myelin Fades.”       It was a beautifully-bright day outside Dubuque metro’s premier MS treatment center, but I, Dr. Scott …

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Becoming Meta

Becoming Meta

  It was late October when Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook CEO & poster child of bad barbering, announced his company was changing its name to Meta. Meta, short for “metaverse,” was chosen to best represent a futuristic version of what we now call the internet. Coming to agreement on a new name though, wasn’t an easy …

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I’m Sorry

I’m Sorry

  I apologize.  A lot. Sometimes I blame my quick expression of regret on my lack of self-confidence.   I probably screwed something up, so it is just easier to apologize, accept the blame & move on…..till the next goof-up (‘cuz there will be more!).   But other times I blame multiple sclerosis for my short …

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  We’re into November and it is already downright boring. I think the month of November is the lull between October’s beauty & fun of halloween…to Decenber’s bustling Christmas season. November is the straight rail of a roller coaster between two hills.   Oh sure, the month has it’s holidays; Veteran’s Day & Thanksgiving–for one, …

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Pop Quiz

Pop Quiz

    It’s time for a Pop Quiz! So grab a #2 and a scrap of paper to test your knowledge of nonsense & tomfoolery. Let’s begin…..   Question #1   This picture is an example of:     A.  Proper length of a suit jacket. B.  The excitement of live sports. C.  My typical view …

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Candy Corny

Candy Corny

  Fall is my preferred season of the year.  The cooler temps.  The vibrant leaves.  The candy…candy corn, in particular. And not just the white, orange & yellow candy corn that’s so common in the aisle.  But MY favorite, Harvest Corn, which only makes its appearance in autumn.   Harvest Corn, formerly known as Indian …

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