MS Fact or Fiction

MS Fact or Fiction

    There is a lot of bad information online about multiple sclerosis (Much of it found here!). As a service to you, My Odd Sock has poured over this vast amount of data to sort through what is real…and what is not real is this post titled “MS Fact or Fiction.” Let us begin…..   …

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  Strolling down the cookie aisle they are NOT hard to miss. Oreos, America’s most-popular sandwich cookie, take up a majority of sacred shelf space. Its familiar color package casts a glow making everyone look like a member of Blue Man Group. Who would have guessed Oreos could have so many varieties? The choices put …

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  I tossed it in the garbage with those ads that come each week. Stores we don’t even shop.  Shit-canned without a thought. But this was different.  I think. To most it was a dog-eared file folder.  Two inches thick.  Crammed with pages of scribbled words, classified ads and yellowed letters of rejection.   It …

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Spicy Fun

Spicy Fun

  When faced with writer’s block and looking for a crumb of inspiration–where does one go? The spice rack, or course! Spices have been a catylist of humor since the very beginning.     Why, itching powder has ALWAYS been a top-seller in ads at the back of comic books.  That is, after bald head …

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Ode To A Redneck

Ode To A Redneck

    Comedian Jeff Foxworthy is one of my favorite stand-ups.  Not only is he a nice guy (I got to work with him for a week) but his stand-up slays an audience.  Absolutely leaves them rolling in the aisles!     Foxworthy is best known for his bit “You might Be A Redneck If.” …

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  I can’t explain it, but I am D.O.A.–Doug on arrival. My head, filled with what seems like bubble wrap. Pudding is livelier. I have creatively flatlined.  Demonstrated by my recent absence from this blog. Orphans get more attention. If & when I ever get another idea it will be like lighting a match in …

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Texting MS

Texting MS

  Have you ever wanted to tell MS what you really think? Giving Multiple Sclerosis a piece of your mind? (Small children out of ear shot, of course) Well I had that opportunity after stumbling (literally) over MS’s personal number.  Seriously! Here is our texted conversation late one evening (I’m in the blue)… Hope my colorful …

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Bladder’s Worst Enemies

Bladder’s Worst Enemies

    The bladder.  Not what’s inside a football, but what’s inside your belly. The keeper of the urine.  Your purse of pee. If you have multiple sclerosis odds are you have issues with this often leaky organ.     From sneaky dribbles to full-on opening of the flood gates, there’s not much you can …

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I’m Tired Of…

I’m Tired Of…

      Here are 50 things I’m tired of…       Johnny Depp Amber Heard Multiple Sclerosis Gerrymandering  Vlad Putin Tom Selleck’s Reverse Mortgage Unopenable Chip Bags Huge Trucks & SUV’s Any of the Kardashians Ear Hair Jussie Smallett Wordle Scores Cornhole Golden State Warriors Derek Chauvin “Stages” of NASCAR Tight Jeans (on …

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Waiting Room Magazines

Waiting Room Magazines

  It would be difficult to estimate the number of hours you have spent in a waiting room over the years. At the doctor’s office, the dentist, the eye doctor.  Waiting rooms in hospitals, banks, the mechanic or the tire store. Throw in an icky health condition like MS, diabetes or heart issues and you …

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