Christmas Quickies

Christmas Quickies

  During the holiday season, everyone is busy. No time to read a bla-bla-blog post. So let me present “My Odd Sock’s Christmas Quickies.”   Here are four fast holiday gags to get you in & out of here in a hurry. (Besides, who doesn’t like a quickie.)         First up. I’ve …

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My Odd Sock’s Thanksgiving Turkeys

My Odd Sock’s Thanksgiving Turkeys

        Before you are off to enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday, I thought I would share some items found in recent ads that are REAL Thanksgiving turkeys…..             Retailers are busy pushing everything you need to set an elegant dining room.   Tablecloths, seat covers, flatware, linen napkins, …

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Grab Bar

Grab Bar

    The following is a paid-commercial announcement.     Hey MSers, tired of the same-ol night on the town? Fed up with crowded bars?  Restaurants that aren’t accessible?  With blaring music?  And too few restrooms? Then, My Odd Sock has the place for you.   Welcome to…..       Grab Bar! The exclusive …

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On The Scale

On The Scale

  Several years ago while waiting in the neurologist’s office, I began to look around.  (I’m nosy that way) Amidst the books, wall posters & models of the brain, I noticed a chart on the bulletin board. Curious, I peeked closer. What I saw disturbed me.  Downright frightened me. Turns out the “chart” was acutally …

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Sock It To Me

Sock It To Me

    Tend to think I can handle myself around a gym.   Heck, I’ve been working out since I was 16. And although MS has slowed me down a bit, I still manage to exercise five or six times a week in the privacy of my basement.   So when I’m out of town …

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My Odd Sock Quick Hits

My Odd Sock Quick Hits

        You’re busy, so I’ll give you three quick odd bits found around the My Odd Sock corporate headquarters…..         Leave it to Disney (and Target) to hawk EVERYTHING related to Star Wars in anticipation of next month’s movie release. That includes these Darth Vader adult pajamas.     …

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MS Know-It-All

MS Know-It-All

      Think you’re an MS Know-It-All?   Do you yawn your way through routine visits with your neurologist?   Are you up-to-snuff with all the new fangled treatment options for the ick we call multiple sclerosis?       If so, you are WAY too intelligent for any challenge offered by this website. …

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Has MS Changed You?

Has MS Changed You?

Here is a My Odd Sock oldie, but a goodie.  Please enjoy this repeat performance…..      It can be pretty obvious how multiple sclerosis changes us on the outside. (How do you find the MSer in a police line-up?  Just look for the one with the mobility aid.) The way we walk–the way we …

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My Golden Years?

My Golden Years?

(Yawn)…As I am too bothered to write something new, please revisit this old, laundered My Odd Sock…     We as MSers have heard all the innocent comments made by others. We’re so good at accepting them, we just let them roll off our backs like rain on an umbrella. But one comment made to …

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Call Me What You Want

Call Me What You Want

  Your name is your identity. Who you are. But your name can also be a nemesis.       Because no matter how bland, how simple, how generic a name appears to be, some third-grade smart ass will twist, shred, mangle & strip that name into a form so heinous, it will no longer …

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