Category: Humor

Razor Burn

Razor Burn

  It’s all about confidence, baby. When you’re looking good–you’re feeling good. But when I saw the commercial, I felt…..slighted.  That maybe, I wasn’t…good…..enough?   You see, as a mammal, we have hair.  But as a guy we have hair, and sometimes lots of it, in weird places.   According to the ad, to get …

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  Now that mask mandates are being lifted faster than a Kardashian tummy-tuck, only one question remains. What are you to do with all those leftover masks? You can’t donate them.  And they won’t sell at a rummage sale.  So masks have become useless unless you are involved with the Gambino crime family, right? Not …

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Finders Cheapers

Finders Cheapers

  Well lookie there.  My lucky day. A crumpled dollar bill at my feet. With no one around I was forced to claim it as my own. What to do with my new-found windfall? Hmm, I could buy a lottery ticket and dream big. Or I could spend my single tender on something small & …

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Brain Drain #28

Brain Drain #28

  Welcome to Brain Drain (#28 in the series), where I pull the plug on some recent thoughts swirling around inside my big noggin. No particular ire.  Just getting some stuff off my chest. Feel free at the end to add what’s got your knickers in a twist with a comment. Let’s get started…..   …

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The Break-Up

The Break-Up

  Making changes in a relationship can be overwhelming. Difficult?  Yes. Emotional?  Certainly. Painful?  Oh, it hurts. But sometimes change is necessary so life can move forward.   I attest to this as I have made a recent change to a relationship very dear to my heart. The following words help me to cope.  Let …

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Not So Ninja

Not So Ninja

  My home has been overrun with ninjas. Not the mercenary type… appliances!   Ninja has become the new nameplate of kitchen gadgetry and more. Maker of the popular air fryer (we have), coffee makers, food processors, blenders (we have), toaster ovens, cookers, just about anything you can think of—Ninja makes it. Well, sort of. …

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Button Holed

Button Holed

  So many of my shirts come with extra buttons–but I’m not sure why.  I have never used any of them.  They are always just there.  Hanging around.  Riding the coattails (shirttails, in this case).  Patiently waiting for their big break.  Their opportunity to show what they can do.  They are like a fastener under-study.    The kid …

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The Nose Have It

The Nose Have It

  During the pandemic I have found a new calling. An interest.  A hobby.  Almost an obsession. You see during these mask-wearing, difficult times I have become preoccupied by the nose. And the seemingly difficult time some have of keeping their nose snuggled within their mask, in particular.   I’ve never had that problem. Maybe …

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23 & Me

23 & Me

    From the title you may think this post is about the popular DNA genetic testing company, 23andMe. Well, wrong you are my friend. (Although personally this subject matter is equally as complicated.)     You see in THEIR world, the number 23 refers to the 23-pairs of chromosomes in human DNA.  The genetic …

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A Christmas Bender

A Christmas Bender

  Enjoy this repeat of an older My Odd Sock…   The realities of life are sometimes difficult to accept.  When things aren’t like you imagine them to be.   I’ve been going through a difficult period lately as one of my life long idols appears to be in trouble. I have admired this man …

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