Category: Humor

My Odd Sock’s This & That

My Odd Sock’s This & That

Welcome to My Odd Sock’s This & That. It’s a fancy-shmansy title for me just lumping together several oddball bits I’ve wanted to clear off my desk. Let’s get started before either fatigue or my boring writing style lulls you to sleep.  (Not sure which, but my money’s on the writing!) Cozy Toes: I saw …

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Day One

Day One

Like being etched in stone, you remember the day you were diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. For some it was a long awaited answer to lingering health problems. While for others, our “d-day” was filled with fearful thoughts of what the future holds. You remember that day like it was the back of your hand. But …

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Ah-merican Proud!

Ah-merican Proud!

Throughout history America has had it’s share of inventor visionaries… Ben Franklin (Bifocals)?  Didn’t see it coming. Robert Fulton (Steamboat)?  His ship has sailed. Alexander Graham Bell (Telephone)?  His number is no longer in service. Because these fellas & their discoveries pale in comparison to one man in Ohio who’s dream is building the world’s …

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Disabled, Not Stupid

Disabled, Not Stupid

When one has disabilities of any kind, he or she may depend upon gizmos or gadgets to make life easier. Certainly as a fella with multiple sclerosis, I have more than my share of mobility aids, braces, special adapters & what not. But I recently came across something I DON”T need.  No one needs it …

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I Have Gum Disease.

I Have Gum Disease.

Experts say admitting you have a problem is the first step towards recovery. “I have gum disease.” Bull****, I said it.  And it doesn’t feel any better. First of all, this isn’t about gum disease like Gingivitis or Periodontitis. I’m talking gum disease ala Bubble Yum, Hubba Bubba, Bazooka & Juicy Fruit. You see I …

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Hook, Line And Stinker

Hook, Line And Stinker

Crafty deception.  Seductive half-truths.  Outright misnomers. No, it’s not the banter between our elected officials and the public. I’m referring to the misleading statements found in advertising. Consumer Reports noted the top advertising terms you should NOT take for granted. They are: Satisfaction Guaranteed. Buyer beware because this means different things to each company. While …

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Breakfast Biology

Breakfast Biology

Learning Biology is as easy & fun as pouring a bowl of cereal! Way back in the 1700’s, Carolus Linnaeus never though his life work could be reduced to a bowl of Sugar Puffs. You see, Carl is the father of Taxonomy, the system of naming species of living things.  Using binomial nomenclature (a fancy-smansy …

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Brain Drain #21

Brain Drain #21

“Brain Drain” is a chance to pull the plug on my cerebellum and empty all the dishwater that has collected and become stagnant over time It’s been a long while since the last “Brain Drain,” so let’s get to it….. Striving for Excellence In today’s world, good isn’t good enough.  You must be perfect. And …

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Lost…And Found?

Lost…And Found?

Sometimes you see the oddest things listed in the classified ads. Like this ad I noticed….. Wow. I know drones have been in the news a lot lately, but I didn’t think you could actually lose one. The owners weren’t very descriptive of their lost drone, so you gotta think that it could anything “white …

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My Odd Sock’s Best of 2013

My Odd Sock’s Best of 2013

Yes, it’s a little late for a “Best of 2013” post, but I’m a little slow—so it’s all good. Here at My Odd Sock, a lot happened in 2013. At least that’s what my parole officer tells me. So I thought we could take a look back at what some (none really) may consider to …

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