Category: Humor

Brain Drain #12

Brain Drain #12

Can’t get enough of Brain Drain?  Enjoy this Best Of #12 It has been a looong winter–too long to be cooped up inside! The same can be said of a few topics inside the pea-brain of My Odd Sock. Time for a Brain Drain.  Time to flush out the poisons. Let’s get started….. So Stuck-I’m …

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Brain Drain #17

Brain Drain #17

Hey, why not enjoy this Best Of Brain Drain.  Number 17 if you are scoring at home. Maybe I am as flat as an open can of PBR left in the afternoon sun. But nothing has really gotten my knickers in a twist lately.  That is…till this week when I found some oddities to share …

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Brain Drain #6

Brain Drain #6

Let’s check out some Best Of “Brain Drains.”  Here is #6. Put your hands together for a My Odd Sock favorite…..Brain Drain! For those of you new to My Odd Sock, Brain Drain is an opportunity to pull the plug on the offbeat thoughts bouncing around in this big, empty head of mine.  Let’s get this …

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An Explosive Independence Day

An Explosive Independence Day

All across these United States, folks are celebrating our nation’s birth. The Fourth of July has become a holiday of outdoor gatherings, cookouts and a carbohydrate-induced coma of potato salad. With many of these activities culminating in an evening display of fireworks. Looking through a catalog from a local fireworks dealer, I was reminded of …

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Young Dork

Young Dork

Admit it. Born a dork.  Always a dork. It took many years of painstakingly careful, sheltered nurturing to become the dork I am today. Proof can be found in the 1973 Polaroid photo of a 10-year-old My Odd Sock shown below….. C’mon, let’s poke fun with a little kidding. I’ll start….. Which one’s the dummy? …

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Down On The Farm

Down On The Farm

Sometimes it’s good to get back to your roots.  Recently, I decided to do just that. To go home.  Where I grew up.  In a small farming community in NW Ohio. Although I didn’t live on a farm–I spent a good part of my days there.  So I know my way around the barnyard. That’s …

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You’re Not The Only One

You’re Not The Only One

The battle has been ongoing. With both sides standing their ground. Native Americans say the Washington Redskins’ name & logo are offensive and demand a change.  Meanwhile, Redskin ownership say the name is legendary and will remain in place. Yeah, in the day of political correctness, the Redskin name & logo probably ARE demeaning to …

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Juvenile (Toddler) Crime

Juvenile (Toddler) Crime

It’s true, juvenile crime is on the increase. All one needs to do is watch the news, read the paper or go online and you’ll find stories like these… …In Vancouver, Washington, an 11 year old boy was arrested for bringing 400 rounds of ammunition & several knives to school. …In California, a 12 year …

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Summer Deals Already!

Summer Deals Already!

Another turn of the calendar puts us that much closer to Summer! For most of us, Summer can’t get here fast enough. And the retailers couldn’t agree more.  So much so, your favorite stores have already begun to have sales on everything you need for the warm season ahead. In fact, My Odd Sock has …

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Top Story: Pig Virus

Top Story: Pig Virus

There is no fat here–just the real pork. This week, the top story concerned a mysterious virus that has slaughtered millions of baby pigs. Scientists believe the virus, porcine epidemic diarrhea, has splashed its way across 27 states in the nation. Estimates range from 2.7 million upwards to 6 million baby pigs, or piglets have …

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