Category: Humor

Black Friday Daze Craze

Black Friday Daze Craze

      Holiday shopping has begun!   Major retailers have started the barrage of ads & circulars describing huge savings in the days surrounding Black Friday.         Many stores will open their doors to frantic shoppers Thanksgiving night. While others open early early Black Friday morning.   Only Kmart has said to …

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Another My Odd Sock Turkey

Another My Odd Sock Turkey

      Thanksgiving is just days away!   Which means you had better start preparing for your Thursday feast.   But just where do you begin?   Not to worry my friend as My Odd Sock shows you everything you’ll need to set a grand table that would make John Smith proud.     …

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Bathroom Innovation

Bathroom Innovation

Who says you can’t build a better mousetrap?         I haven’t been this excited about something new since the Wet Wipe! (The Wet Wipe has changed the way millions of people tidy up after number two)   Being rather fastidious about my choppers, I’ve been an avid flosser for a long time …

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My Odd Sock’s Shopping List

My Odd Sock’s Shopping List

      The pantry is bare so time to go to the store for yours truly.   Join me as we shop the day away in search of everything odd on the shelves at your local grocery store.   Grab a cart while I park the car and I’ll meet you in the juice …

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Stupid Random Stuff

Stupid Random Stuff

      If you have read this web page for any length of time, you are aware of two things.   One, you may need professional help.   And two, My Odd Sock cherishes stupid, random stuff.   That being said, let’s see what’s out there…….     Magazines are known for bold, brash …

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A Fun But Grave Danger

A Fun But Grave Danger

        There are times in life when one realizes that mistakes were made.  An activity or actions that seem innocent at the time, may later cause repercussions to one’s health.     Today, one beloved movement has become popular for being fun, inspirational and appeals to those of all ages.     …

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Help (hic) Wanted

Help (hic) Wanted

  Are you searching for a new opportunity? Greater challenges? More pay? Not just a job, but a career?   For those who answered “Yes,” the newspaper’s Help Wanted section of the classified ads, may be the first place to turn.     But here is an example of the World’s Worst Help Wanted ad……. …

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Last Minute Back To School Shopping

Last Minute Back To School Shopping

  Many of our students are back in the classroom, but that doesn’t mean it’s not too late to pick up those ridiculous items retailers think we can’t do without.   And who better than My Odd Sock to point out the dumbest products you’ll never need.   Let’s get started and not waste another …

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Sky Mall & The Stuff You Can’t Live Without.

Sky Mall & The Stuff You Can’t Live Without.

One frill of flying is the opportunity to peruse the latest issue of Sky Mall. Available on all airliners, Sky Mall is the complimentary catalog of products that are eclectically odd.  Things you don’t need & wildly overpriced. Strangely though, flipping the pages, one feels a sudden, overwhelming urge of “I must haves.” Maybe it’s …

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