Category: Humor

Two Quick Bits

Two Quick Bits

        Through the years, My Odd Sock has proven you don’t have to look far to find something funny. (Usually skipping My Odd Sock and visiting another humor site will suffice!)   Here are a couple of things I stumbled upon (I have MS–shit happens) in recent days…..       First, …

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Inspirational Calendar

Inspirational Calendar

  I’m a sucker for inspiration. A devotee of motivation. A disciple of anything that puts a skip in my step and fire in my belly.  (Was that “inspiration” or did I just eat a spicy taco?)   Anywho, my point is, I love articles, bits & chutneys that give me a good feeling to …

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MS Playtime

MS Playtime

      We’re all mostly serious & junk about our “platonic” relationships with multiple sclerosis.   That’s why My Odd Sock has decided to call recess for a little MS Playtime! But we can’t play without toys, right?  So I gathered up a few bits to use in poking fun at our dreaded ick. …

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Clearing History

Clearing History

          We widely accept how the computer has changed our lives.   From the dissemination of information…to research…to communication, the computer has redefined not only how we live in the present, but also how we will live in the future.   But until just recently, I had no idea how the …

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The 73rd Annual My Odd Sock Flemmy Awards

The 73rd Annual My Odd Sock Flemmy Awards

      Welcome to the 73rd Annual My Odd Sock Flemmy Awards!   Yes, we are smack dab in the middle of awards season which means My Odd Sock must jump on the bandwagon of blatant worthlessness.   The Flemmy Awards celebrate the best & the worst (mostly the worst) of 2014 as seen …

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Stop Me Before I Watch Again

Stop Me Before I Watch Again

  There were the textbook signals.   Loss of muscle control.  Erratic thought pattern.  Slurred speech. Stroke? I wondered to myself. Thankfully no. It was the realization I had just wasted several hours of precious life watching tv’s TLC.       Yes, TLC, The Learning Channel. The circus side-show act that went from only …

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Do We Really Need To Know?

Do We Really Need To Know?

          Life changing information can be found in the most unlikeliest of places.   An example of which is this offer discovered at the bottom of an email I received:       How Old Men Tighten Skin 63 Year Old Man Shares DIY Skin Tightening Method You Can Do From …

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Receding Hairline Fun.

Receding Hairline Fun.

      I found this selfie on my camera, so why not poke some fun at it.   Enjoy!   And be sure to add your own jab with a comment.  (Don’t worry, you won’t damage my self-image any worse than it already is.)           NBC is getting 4.5 mill …

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World’s Worst Classified

World’s Worst Classified

  I found this classified ad in the local paper. Now if I could only figure out what it’s for…..     What?  What are you paying $325 bucks for? Maybe you or I have what this person wants. Heck, we may have several of them to sell! Whatever it is, we’ll be getting the best …

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Brain Drain #22

Brain Drain #22

    Welcome to “Brain Drain,” the ongoing series of posts where yours truly lets go of some things that have disturbed me.   Since it has been a year since the last Brain Drain, I’ve come to conclude I am mellowing in my old age.  (That and I have been wearing white Rockports lately. …

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