Category: Humor

Sweeping Stupidity

Sweeping Stupidity

  As humans, we are inherently lazy. We want the simplest way to reach our ulitmate goal. Now don’t get me wrong, our laziness has led to greatness!  Were it not for laziness, we would have never discovered how to illuminate, to fly or to heal. Many of today’s modern convienences have been created thanks …

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Worst Toys of 2015

Worst Toys of 2015

      Still shopping for last-minute holiday toys for little Johnny or Suzie? Well keep looking as My Odd Sock presents the “Worst Toys of 2015.”   Just what every kid doesn’t need—we got’em right here!         Let’s begin with what could be the unsafest toy in the store…the Giant-Sized Jumbling Tower. …

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Gifts NOT On My Christmas List

Gifts NOT On My Christmas List

  This time of year retailers are quick to highlight items they believe we MUST include on our holiday shopping list for loved ones. But in many cases I think they miss the mark. With that in mind, My Odd Sock presents…..         …Gifts NOT On My Christmas List.           …

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Store Wars

Store Wars

  Coming December 18th, 2015 to a multiplex theater near you is a long-awaited movie materpiece that has fans bursting  with anticipation. “Sisters” stars television icons Tina Fey and Amy Poehler in a comedy of weekend hijinks. But this isn’t about THAT movie. It’s about “Star Wars: The Force Awakens.” and the hype surrounding the …

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Christmas Quickies

Christmas Quickies

  During the holiday season, everyone is busy. No time to read a bla-bla-blog post. So let me present “My Odd Sock’s Christmas Quickies.”   Here are four fast holiday gags to get you in & out of here in a hurry. (Besides, who doesn’t like a quickie.)         First up. I’ve …

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My Odd Sock’s Thanksgiving Turkeys

My Odd Sock’s Thanksgiving Turkeys

        Before you are off to enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday, I thought I would share some items found in recent ads that are REAL Thanksgiving turkeys…..             Retailers are busy pushing everything you need to set an elegant dining room.   Tablecloths, seat covers, flatware, linen napkins, …

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My Odd Sock Quick Hits

My Odd Sock Quick Hits

        You’re busy, so I’ll give you three quick odd bits found around the My Odd Sock corporate headquarters…..         Leave it to Disney (and Target) to hawk EVERYTHING related to Star Wars in anticipation of next month’s movie release. That includes these Darth Vader adult pajamas.     …

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Call Me What You Want

Call Me What You Want

  Your name is your identity. Who you are. But your name can also be a nemesis.       Because no matter how bland, how simple, how generic a name appears to be, some third-grade smart ass will twist, shred, mangle & strip that name into a form so heinous, it will no longer …

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Things I Don’t Understand

Things I Don’t Understand

        There are many things I don’t understand in life.   Here is an abbreviated list of just some of them…..           Nicki Minaj   Vampires   Zombies   Lord of the Rings   The Kardashians   Oil Prices   The game of Cricket   Sophia Vegara’s voice …

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Famous Sticky-Notes In History

Famous Sticky-Notes In History

        Even though 3M’s Post-It Notes (Called sticky-notes by many) weren’t introduced till 1977, it’s fun to imagine how some historical events might have looked on a sticky-note.   Let’s take a peek…..               1492                       …

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