Category: Humor

‘Twas The Night Before Elections

‘Twas The Night Before Elections

A quick post on election eve……   “Twas The Night Before Elections” Poorly written by My Odd Sock   ‘Twas the night before elections and all through the polls, not a candidate was stirring, not even a troll.   Hillary’s pantsuit was hung by the chimney with care, in hopes that victory soon would be …

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Clueless Classified

Clueless Classified

      A newspaper’s classified ads are the unheralded leader of entertainment.   And as you know by now, a vital source of useless fodder for this dismal web page.     That being said, my dear (and eagle-eyed) friend Leah shared yet another classified gem from the local fish wrap…..     It’s …

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Haunted Houses You’ll Never See

Haunted Houses You’ll Never See

Let’s blow the cobwebs off this frightening My Odd Sock for Halloween…..       The halloween season brings out the scare in all of us. That explains the popularity of haunted houses.   It seems every community has a haunted attraction that promises to frighten the wits out of everyone who dares to enter. …

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    SMH, short for “shaking my head.” There are a lot of things going on in this world today that leaves one SMH. Heck this whole website is based on SMH. So to add fuel to the fire, I thought I would “pile on” with a few new items worthy of SMH distinction.   …

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This & That

This & That

          Welcome to “This & That.”   It’s the only uninspired name I could come up with to describe a blog post of disjointed, leftover ideas & pictures.     Shall we get started?…..             With all the uproar these days in current events of a …

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My Odd Sock: Shopaholic

My Odd Sock: Shopaholic

    A few among us may describe themselves as a “shopaholic.” Though I am not a shopaholic per se, I AM addicted to scanning the ads to find items & advertising that are well beyond ridiculous. Here are a few of my “must-have-NOTS”…..       Note to retailers & branding specialists: Do not …

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My Odd Sock’s “Lost And Found”

My Odd Sock’s “Lost And Found”

      Here at My Odd Sock, we pledge our best to help those who are helping others.   So when a dear pal shared the heartbreaking story of a wayward creature, My Odd Sock eagerly jumped, selflessly mind you, to use its world-wide reach to support the worthy cause.   Here is the …

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      You and I must LOVE to analyize stuff. We must LOVE to hear commentary on current events, news, sports, trends & culture. Discussion of different opinions & ideas. Predictions & prognostication. What ifs & what was.   At least that’s what TV networks must think.     Why else would the Fox …

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The Ant Can’t

The Ant Can’t

    Disclaimer: What you are about to read is true.  The stupidity portrayed is a sad example of human evolution.  Any resemblance to the person in this post?—you have the sympathy of the writer & all of mankind.  No insects were harmed in the creation of this blog.     It was snack time …

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Cocktail Anyone?

Cocktail Anyone?

    Some days you just need to unwind.   #1-   You look tired.  You OK? #2-   It’s been a rough week.  Work is crazy.  Car broke down.  Family stuff. #1-   Oh I know.  It all piles up. #2-   Sure does.  I could use a stiff drink. #1-   Me too. …

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