Category: Humor

The Sunday Ads

The Sunday Ads

    The Sunday ads. Some say it’s the only reason to get a Sunday paper. Everything you need (or could ever want) is on sale.   Here at My Odd Sock, I like to scour the ads for anything you wouldn’t want—and this week’s ads do not disappoint. Let’s get on with the silliness….. …

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My Odd Sock’s Dumb Stuff

My Odd Sock’s Dumb Stuff

      Welcome to My Odd Sock’s “Dumb Stuff” where we feature absurd products that make little sense.   Today, we thumb our way through Parade Magazine.   As you may know, Parade is the weekly insert found in the Sunday paper.  It features celebrity news, tidbits, recipes along with ads for products that …

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How Soft Have We Become?

How Soft Have We Become?

    “How soft have we become?” I ask myself examining the toilet paper just purchased from the store. We seem obsessed with terms like soft, plush, cushiony, comfy & delicate when it comes to our backside. Like we’ve been using asbestos all these years & we want to change it up. It is amazing …

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Brain Drain #24

Brain Drain #24

      Welcome to “Brain Drain,” where I pull the plug to drain the cranium of absurdity. It has been some time since the last dump, so I must be mellowing in my AARP years! Here are a few items of note that have floated to the top in recent days.   Like a …

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Odds & Evens

Odds & Evens

    My Odd Sock works hard to be your agent of the absurd, proctor of the pointless & steward of the stupid. And this quick post certainly lives up to my low standards. Here are a couple of items, I’m hopeful will leave you with a weekend smile. Enjoy!     Attention Editor:  A …

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I Can’t Believe It’s Not A Planet

I Can’t Believe It’s Not A Planet

  All my years in school (including the repeated years), we learned of the nine planets in our solar system:  Mercury, Venus (where women are from), Earth, Mars (where men are from), Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus (the fav of immature males), Neptune and Pluto.   All was well & good as the stars aligned in perfect …

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Notes On Totes

Notes On Totes

        Promotional giveaway items, knicknacks, doodads, whatnots, thingamajigs. The items have changed through the years. Kind of like a geologic time scale of gimcrack whatchamacallits.   Anything with enough room to cram a company logo.   Pencils.  Pens.  Matches.  Ashtrays.  Jar openers.  Umbrellas.  Chip clips.  Note pads.  Pill boxes.       …

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Driving For Christmas

Driving For Christmas

  It truly IS a special time of year. The nip in the air.  The bustle of busy people. And the excitement of a certain day to come.   Yes, Hyundai Holidays are here. Cars shined bright. Salesmen in sweaters way too tight.         The wreaths, ribbons & lights so fond… can …

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Product Placement

Product Placement

    So many products.  So many choices. The world is an endless marketplace. That’s why My Odd Sock is here to help you sort through the good, the bad & the downright silly goods all vying for the dough in your pocketbook.   Let’s go shopping shall we…..   Petzi Remote Treat Cam   …

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Language Barrier

Language Barrier

      I am an American. Born here.  Raised here. I speak English.  Always have. Although I DID take a full-year of Romanian in college…and enjoyed it, I barely remember any of the language.  (It was college, okay?)     Well my stubborness to being bilingual has recently come back to bite me in …

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