Category: Humor



  Indictments are popular these days, getting thrown around in the news more than rice at a wedding.   Being the cranky old man that I am, here are a few indictments I would like to add to the pile…..     Perfume Inserts in a Macy’s ad:   I indict the person responsible for …

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Thanksgiving Cranberry Sauce

Thanksgiving Cranberry Sauce

  Thanksgiving…and everything you’ll need to stomach this day of celebrated feasting. Why not begin with the canned cranberry sauce pictured here. Mmm, don’t you just love gelatinous fruit? Does anything look more unappealing?  Dog food slides out of the can looking much the lumpy same.  Even the pooch won’t touch it till I mush …

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Not Crazy ‘Bout Alexa

Not Crazy ‘Bout Alexa

    Granted I can’t do much, but I can do what they do. I’m talking about the flood of “intelligent personal assistants” on the market today. Amazon’s Echo & Echo Dot…Google’s Home and the Home Mini want to turn on your lights, play music, tell you the news & weather and buy crap. But …

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Destination: Halloween City

Destination: Halloween City

What was once a vacant, big-box store comes alive each October.  Filled wall-to-wall with costumes, cloaks, masks & make-up. It’s your temporary store dedicated to Halloween.  And every community seems to have one.     Mine is “Halloween City.”  Squatting in a former Staples Super Store. Oh don’t mind the dirty floor, it just adds …

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Welcome To My Death Ray

Welcome To My Death Ray

Again?  Seriously? Yep, I’m being too lazy to write something new.  So please enjoy this repeat My Odd Sock…. “I believe that people would be alive today if there were a death penalty.” -Nancy Reagan (1921-    ) Nancy’s quote really doesn’t have anything to do with my story.  I just thought it was funny. A …

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Dude, Where’s My Bank?

Dude, Where’s My Bank?

    As a kid I opened a savings account where my parents did their banking. It was a stately place with marble counters, pens on chains and a steel door to the vault taller than me and just as wide. It had a stately name as well, the First National Bank. Our town also …

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Warning: Graphic Violence

Warning: Graphic Violence

One of my very favorite My Odd Sock’s (I’m weird that way).  Please enjoy…and beware of eye strain. While many concern themselves with the amount of violence on television, movies and video games…..I say “Phooey!” The violence found in today’s media & popular culture is nothing when compared to the violence found on warning labels …

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Know Your Knock-offs

Know Your Knock-offs

  You gotta love knock-off brands.  You can save money and you really don’t notice the difference in taste.  (Well, not too much.) Knock-offs are sly as they package their goods using similar color schemes as the original. And because product names are copyrighted, knock-offs must cleverly use titles that closely mock the true brand. …

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Math Misfit

Math Misfit

  Digging through some papers, I happened across one of my illustrious report cards from high school. Immediately my heart quickened & my stomach tightened, reliving those not-so stellar days of academia. Math wasn’t my strong suit (Neither was any other subject for that matter) and this report card showed it.     Algebra 2 …

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Award Whining

Award Whining

Nominations for the EMMY Awards were announced this week and like most awards, My Odd Sock was snubbed once again. (I can’t even win a scratch-off lottery tix.) But lo & behold about a month ago, I received an email from the founder of “Feedspot” saying My Odd Sock had been selected as one of …

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