Category: Humor



    Leftovers. What’s left when all is done. Nary to waste a single morsel, here are a few remaining topics found deep in the folder. Leftovers.  My Odd Sock style…..     ZZZzzzz   Can’t sleep?  Try reading this petty website before sack-time. If that doesn’t work, Bose has your answer. Bose introduces their …

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Seeing The Light

Seeing The Light

  A broken collarbone changes life temporarily. But little did I know my situation would have me seeing the light.   Unable to climb the stairs to our bedrooms, a make-shift sleeping area was established for me in the living room with a nice big picture window. My bed.  Plenty of room.  Cozy & comfy. …

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Doggone Silly

Doggone Silly

  As pet owners we go over-the-top for our furry friends. The choices of toys, bedding, even food & treats are overwhelming. The days of a tennis ball, blanket and a bowl of Purina are so passe it is ridiculous. We treat our pets better than some nations care for their people–but that’s a whole …

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Hit The Shower

Hit The Shower

Time to clean-up with this older My Odd Sock sudsy post.  Enjoy!     There’s nothing new about taking a shower. Most of us go through this routine process nearly every day.  (Once a week for me.) Yet lately I have felt stranger in the shower. A closed-in feeling of claustrophobia. Between walls of fiberglass …

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Brain Drain #25

Brain Drain #25

    Time for a Brain Drain. “Brain Drain,” for those new to My Odd Sock, is a long-running post of my latest rants & observations.   (This is #25, so there are 24 previous versions if you care to dig into the archives.  But seriously, who has the time or the stomach?)   First up….. …

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Answer It

Answer It

  Silly stuff about phones…..                                                                                                     …

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A My Odd Sock St. Patty’s Day

A My Odd Sock St. Patty’s Day

  St. Patrick’s Day is approaching fast as everyone readies their celebrations. Decorations are hung.  Green lights shine.  Bars and restaurants advertise Irish favorites for a day of Celtic fun. Yet, I am indifferent.  Uninterested.  Overwhelmed by the blatant commercialism of St. Patrick’s Day. I just don’t have the spirit of the holiday. Others tell …

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The 2018 Flemmy Awards

The 2018 Flemmy Awards

Just when you thought there were way too many damn award shows, My Odd Sock piles on another one!       It is time to celebrate (and wretch) at the best & worst of My Odd Sock during the past year.   It’s time for the 2018 Flemmy Awards!         The …

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Middle Squeezers

Middle Squeezers

  There comes a time when differences appear. A realization that one is alone.  Individual, not by choice, but habit. Where there is no right, nor wrong…just action, practice and propriety.   My fair and lofty sentiments reflect a conclusive feeling of aversion that I, as a end-squeezer, live amongst a family of…middle-squeezers.     …

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A Merry Christmas To All!

A Merry Christmas To All!

  My Odd Sock would like to wish the wondrous readers of this lame website a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Thank you for your loyal eyes and lively comments throughout the past year. Thank you for your smiles for the funny stuff…and retching tummy spasms with the not-so funny.   In a fitting tribute to the …

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