Author: Doug Ankerman

Candy Corny

Candy Corny

  Fall is my preferred season of the year.  The cooler temps.  The vibrant leaves.  The candy…candy corn, in particular. And not just the white, orange & yellow candy corn that’s so common in the aisle.  But MY favorite, Harvest Corn, which only makes its appearance in autumn.   Harvest Corn, formerly known as Indian …

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  This is it.  A rather subdued celebration of this being My Odd Sock’s 700th post.  As low-keyed as the grand opening of yet another Starbucks. Yep, seven hundred.  That is CRAZY.  I never figured to reach that number when this craggy website first opened for business back in July of 2009.   I thought …

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My 25th MS Anniversary

My 25th MS Anniversary

  Are you curious as to why I am celebrating? It’s because September marks my 25th MS anniversary! Hol-ee crap.  A quarter century.  I haven’t been this happy since I stepped on a nail. It was early September of 1996, when during a routine physical, my family doctor said “I think you have multiple sclerosis.” …

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In the Buff

In the Buff

  I’m all in for better living.  So when a new study was released and published, it piqued my interest! The study found that sleeping in the buff is quite beneficial. Apparently ditching your panties & p.j.’s improves your quality of sleep. It helps you fall asleep faster by allowing your body to cool itself …

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MS Commercials

MS Commercials

    It’s a weirdly heavy feeling one gets when watching television with family & friends and a commercial comes on touting the newest prescription drug for MS. Even worse when it’s the medication YOU take! Everyone in the room knows you have MS.   And many know it’s your drug of choice.   Happens to …

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Wild West

Wild West

  Looking through old photographs allow you to remininsce of good times with family and friends. Pictures stir emotions of the past.  Capturing happy events, people & places of years gone by. Well, sometimes. Just the other day I found a photo from a family vacation during my childhood. I was about eight years old, …

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What A Difference

What A Difference

  She was noticeably upset sharing the story of her father’s situation. How a bum knee hampered his once busy lifestyle. He was due a knee replacement in the coming weeks but till then was forced to use a walker. “He struggles to get around.  And he almost fell once!” she said in near tears. …

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Razor Burn

Razor Burn

  It’s all about confidence, baby. When you’re looking good–you’re feeling good. But when I saw the commercial, I felt…..slighted.  That maybe, I wasn’t…good…..enough?   You see, as a mammal, we have hair.  But as a guy we have hair, and sometimes lots of it, in weird places.   According to the ad, to get …

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Some Days

Some Days

  Some days you just wanna bitch to no one in particular. (This is one of those days) Some days I get so tired of doing what I can to hold off the steady grip MS has on my life.  Tired of the exercise & stretching to battle spasticity, only to have it come back …

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  Now that mask mandates are being lifted faster than a Kardashian tummy-tuck, only one question remains. What are you to do with all those leftover masks? You can’t donate them.  And they won’t sell at a rummage sale.  So masks have become useless unless you are involved with the Gambino crime family, right? Not …

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