Author: Doug Ankerman

Happy Valentine’s Day–My Odd Sock Style

Happy Valentine’s Day–My Odd Sock Style

  My wife despises the cheap, heart-shaped boxes of candy with the plastic flowers on the lid.  So, our first Valentine’s Day as a dating couple, I gave her a box.  But I removed the chocolates and replaced them with carrots.                                               *     *     *      *      *      * A friend worked as a cashier in …

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Stand Up!

Stand Up!

“Stand up!” a male voice shouts. “Stand up straight I said!” Who said that?  A voice of reason?  My inner conscience? Nah, it’s my bee-sting partner shouting at me to stand up straight. You see, I’ve developed a hitch in my giddy-up….I’m beginning to stoop!   It’s like the gravitational pull of the earth is …

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Brain Drain #5

Brain Drain #5

  Kids, it’s time to pull the plug on the old abdullah oblongata (your brain, not a terrorist) and let out all those strange thoughts. That’s right, time once again for “Brain Drain.” Let’s get this party started…….       Sibling Rivalry First we had the straight-laced, sedate, button-down image of the original Rice …

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What To Do What To Do

What To Do What To Do

This column was written in what is called “stream of consciousness”—no particular pattern, just random thoughts bouncing around in my big, empty head.   For years as my multiple sclerosis continued to progress, I was told I should think about disability. But I didn’t listen.  Stubborn as a mule I guess (and breath just as bad). …

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Life Outta Balance

Life Outta Balance

  Those who know me will agree (just watch me walk). And if you have multiple sclerosis, I bet your life is out of balance too. You see, MS throws a wrench in the works of your balance by messing with your vestibular system—the H.Q. of keeping your gait on the straight & narrow. MS …

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Audio Earwax

Audio Earwax

    Today, everything has become corporately-owned, even many prisons! You may even begin hearing commercials for prisons advertising for greater recognition.  How would they sound?  Click on the title at the end of this sentence to hear a :60 mp3 commercial for Northeast Community Corrections “Northeast Community Corrections” was written by My Odd Sock …

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Hand Jive

Hand Jive

Here is the return of one of my favorite posts.  Complete with goofy commentary & photos, this My Odd Sock fits the bill.   I’ve never been good with my hands.  Give me wood, hammer & nails and I’ll build you absolutely nothing worthwhile.  Unless you count bent nails and smashed fingertips.  (My fingernails look …

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Nothing To Sneeze At

Nothing To Sneeze At

  The common sneeze.  The body’s way to free irritants from its airways. Powerful, yet respected.  Even total strangers will say “Bless you” when you sneeze in their presence. That being said, I would like to propose that despite its disgustingly-dirty, germ-spreading, schnot-flying reputation, a sneeze has a deeper meaning. A sneeze is like the …

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2010 My Odd Sock MS Senseless Survey

2010 My Odd Sock MS Senseless Survey

  As you may know, every ten years the U.S. Government begins the laborious task of counting every citizen in our great country.  From this important data comes information about population trends, living standards and cultural tendency.   Not to be outdone, My Odd Sock is conducting its own survey.  This short, personal study will …

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Best Of The 2nd Half Of 2009

Best Of The 2nd Half Of 2009

Tis the season for a plethora of “best of’s” and My Odd Sock is no exception.  But because My Odd Sock didn’t begin degrading the Internet and massacring the English language till July of this year, there is only six months of material to choose from. So let’s begin with the “Best Of The 2nd …

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