Author: Doug Ankerman

Brain Drain #8

Brain Drain #8

  Who needs meditation?  Why see a therapist?  The best way to clear your mind is Brain Drain! So lets throw all that cooked spaghetti on the wall and we’ll see what sticks! Away we go……     Good Sportsmanship I’m a huge fan of sports on TV, but I get a chuckle out of …

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  CCSVI isn’t a roman numeral signifying the latest “Rocky” sequel.     CCSVI is an initialism (not an acronym) that stands for the hottest topic of discussion among MSers since the advent of adult diapers. CCSVI is short for chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency.  Now you know why they call it “CCSVI”—-Kinda like how they …

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Driving With Attitude

Driving With Attitude

What is it with other drivers these days? Courtesy has been thrown out the car window like a used cigarette butt. Everyone has someplace to be and they needed to get there 10 minutes ago.     Driving today has become a lawless world reminiscent of Mel Gibson’s “Thunderdome.” The old slogan of “Drive defensively” …

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Running Scared

Running Scared

It was an unusually warm & sunny afternoon.  After a busy day of activities, I was struggling to climb into my car when he approached.   “Can I ask you something?” he said. I figured it was a question about my car.  I drive a Honda Fit.  It’s the kind of small car you would …

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Another Disastrous Spill

Another Disastrous Spill

Dateline:  My Odd Sock Corporate Office While recovery experts work to stop the ongoing BP oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico, a company spokesman for My Odd Sock, an MS based humor website, announced yet another recently discovered spill.   During a tension-filled press conference, information was disclosed detailing a second disastrous spill.   …

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Brain Drain #7

Brain Drain #7

  Usually “Brain Drain” is reserved for my silly beefs about something I’ve seen or done.  Always something that gets my goat.  But this time around I thought I would share some genius inspiration found around my home.   Shall we begin?……   Buns In The Oven In our kitchen one can find the most …

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MS Timelines

MS Timelines

After 13 lucky years as a member of the multiple sclerosis club… (MS, I never leave home without it!) …I’ve learned some things.   One, I don’t walk well on grass. Two, I’m not fond of heat. And three, not all people with MS are alike. You have pain.  I have none.  I have stiffness.  …

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Courtesy Calls

Courtesy Calls

Today is a glorious day!  The air is clear.  Spring is in bloom.  And I feel terrific!     It must be contagious too because I just got off the phone with someone from the Native American Heritage Association and she was equally upbeat and positive! Of course, being a “courtesy call,” I would expect …

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Passport Pasts

Passport Pasts

I must renew my passport. My old passport expired a while ago after ten years of life. I’m surprised a passport is valid for ten whole years–especially when compared to a drivers license which is valid for only four years.     A lot can change in ten years.   Just looking at my old …

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Open Mouth. Insert Foot.

Open Mouth. Insert Foot.

Verbal faux paux.  You’ve made them—we all have. Heck, I’ve put my foot in my mouth so often I have athlete’s tongue!   Today I don’t want to talk about when we put our OWN foot in our mouths, but when others do it to us (those of us with MS in particular). I’ve written …

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