Author: Doug Ankerman

A Triangular Obsession

A Triangular Obsession

  Here is one last repeat of one of my favorite My Odd Socks.  Maybe we share a similar obsession! New stuff returns Monday, October 11th.     Like a gnarly, California beach dude in search of the perfect wave, I am the Jeff Spicoli of refuse! Plastics only, please. It’s my quest to find …

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Sweet (MS) Dreams

Sweet (MS) Dreams

 The following is an encore performance of bad grammar and mispelled words–otherwise known as “My Odd Sock.”  Enjoy!!     This morning I awoke remembering two dreams I had during my restful night of slumber (and drooling). Did I mention I drool in my sleep?  I make a St. Bernard seem like it has cotton-mouth.  …

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Hugging A Tripod

Hugging A Tripod

Enjoy this repeat performance of an awkward moment of life with MS!      My cane has become a necessary part of my daily attire. Like pants!   Cane is quite reserved, never saying anything and has become a close friend I can lean on. But lately my relationship with my cane has scuffled (like …

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I Would Like To Buy A Bowel, Pat

I Would Like To Buy A Bowel, Pat

  Here is an encore My Odd Sock I think you will enjoy!   What is with you MS people?  It’s always about your bowels or your bladder.  Bowel this.  Bladder that.  Bowel-Bladder.  Bladder-Bowel.  Give it a break already!   I wish I could.  And you probably agree.  But after 13 years  of shared bliss with multiple …

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Inside The Tube

Inside The Tube

  Pardon the pun, but here’s something you can take laying down—-having multiple sclerosis means you’ll be spending considerable time undergoing MRI examinations.   Heck, I’ve had so many MRI’s, I count by using the fingers on both hands and the toes on my left foot.  (I haven’t been able to use my right foot …

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Brain Drain #10

Brain Drain #10

    I know, I know, it has only been a few weeks since the last Brain Drain—but I’ve noticed a lot of stuff that clutters my water-tower sized head. So, let’s get to draining!     Really Real Housewives Everywhere you turn one will see, read or hear something about the “Real Housewives” reality …

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Fall Football

Fall Football

    Football is here! High school ball is two weeks into the season.  College ball kicks off this weekend, with the pro ballers doing the same in a week! Finally, something in the sports page besides Tiger Woods!   In a tribute to football, here is something I wrote many moons ago.  Settle in …

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Baclofen Blast

Baclofen Blast

  Dateline:  My Odd Sock Corporate Commissary     Two adjacent rooms in the My Odd Sock corporate offices were closed earlier today because of a major spill involving Baclofen tablets.   Baclofen is an oral prescription medication used to ease muscle spasticity.     According to My Odd Sock, company president and witness to …

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Climbing The Walls

Climbing The Walls

Maybe you’re like me. People say I leave my mark wherever I go.   Is it my witless personality? Is it my room-clearing body odor? Or, could it be because I leave fingerprints everywhere?     Yes, I must confess…..I am a wall-walker!     My MS makes me do it.  My fingers lightly brush …

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Brain Drain #9

Brain Drain #9

It’s been awhile since the last Brain Drain, so I’ve got alot on my mind.   In case you are new to My Odd Sock, “Brain Drain” gives us (really just me) a chance to let loose about the dumb stuff in life.   Ready to brain drain?  Let’s pull the plug……..   Nice Ink! …

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