Author: Doug Ankerman

The Cornhole Perspective

The Cornhole Perspective

    Over the last decade, Cornhole has become a widely popular yard game played by folks young and old alike.   The premise of Cornhole is tossing little bags filled with corn ( I presume) through a hole in a slightly slanted board placed some 20 feet away.   Despite Cornhole’s popularity, this Odd …

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Beware of Coonie

Beware of Coonie

  When you are six years old, a child has a lot of fears; monsters under the bed, the gnarly-old dog down the street, or that witchy-mean third grade teacher.  (Mine was Mrs. Metzger who shook me so hard in the school hallway, I peed my pants right at her feet!)     But what …

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Door-Knockers & Phone-Ringers

Door-Knockers & Phone-Ringers

  The aspect of having multiple sclerosis that frustrates me the most is my lack of speed in my mobility. “Slow-bility” I like to call it.   I’ve come to terms with the facts……In case of fire?—I’m kindling! And if I’m swimming in the ocean and a shark suddenly appears—-get yourself out of the water …

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Audio Earwax

Audio Earwax

    It’s time for more Audio Earwax! Let’s learn about Secret’s newest brand of deodorant. This piece was written by My Odd Sock and produced by Tony Gialluca Productions.   Just click on the mp3 link at the end of this sentence to listen to the new commercial for Secret Anti-Perspirant for CrossDressers   …

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Morning Rush Hour

Morning Rush Hour

  It’s a race every morning. A grit-your-teeth, forehead-vein-popping, tendons-in-the-neck-straining, all-out-footrace-to-the-bathroom struggle to make it before it’s too late.   Call it the “morning rush,” “bladder patter,” “porcelain jog,” or the “rush to flush,” however you refer to it, making it to the bathroom in the morning for me can be trouble. If you too …

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Asking For Your Vote

Asking For Your Vote

  If you are like me, election day just can’t get here fast enough.  It’s not that I am excited to vote—I’m just sick of the political advertisements. On TV, on the radio, through the mail, telephone messages, you can’t get away from them! Through it all….here is one last plea for your vote.   …

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My Odd Sock MS Picture Quiz

My Odd Sock MS Picture Quiz

  Smile! Welcome to the My Odd Sock  MS Picture Quiz!   Below you will find ten pictures following by several statements. Which statement best describes the picture?         Number 1:    This picture is….    A)  Location of padding in a football uniform.    B)  Diagram of rap star Eminem’s newest tattoo. …

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Time To Make The Muffins

Time To Make The Muffins

    Remember the Dunkin Donuts TV commercial starring the sleepy-eyed dude who pulled himself out of bed each day muttering “Time to make the donuts?”     That’s me every Sunday morning. Same bleary eyes. Same slow, stooped walk. Only difference is…..I make muffins.   Baking muffins every Sunday is something I started doing …

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I Have Issues

I Have Issues

  A friend told me of her recent troubles. “I have some issues I must deal with,” she said. This Odd Sock just stood there nodding his mammoth, brain-case in agreement like a bobbing-head doll.   I wasn’t nodding because I agreed she had issues—it was more of a nod of empathy.  I could relate …

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What Do You Do?

What Do You Do?

Here is an encore performance of an interesting dilemma in My Odd Sock history.  I hope you enjoy my insecurities!     During the summer, I attended a friend’s party where I was chatting with a nice man in his early 60’s.  He held a very prestigious position within a widely recognized organization.  After asking him …

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