Author: Doug Ankerman

America’s G.N.P.

America’s G.N.P.

  G.N.P. stands for Gross National Product…and nothing proves that America has the grossest national products MORE than the catalog I received in the mail!     Because within the 67 full-color pages…are examples of this country’s greatest works of ingenuity!      As a kid I loved this stuff, usually found on the back …

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2010 My Odd Sock Flemmy Awards

2010 My Odd Sock Flemmy Awards

  The red carpet has been unfurled.  Lawn chairs have been placed.  And the winners are in. It’s time to announce the recipients of the 2010 My Odd Sock Flemmy Awards!     The Flemmy Awards recognize excellence in buffoonery from the past year right here at My Odd Sock. (Note–there have been no signs …

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Audio Earwax

Audio Earwax

    Let’s poke fun at the funeral home business! Enjoy this :60 mp3 parody commercial for a new burial option. Just click on the title at the end of this sentence to hear about the Earl S. Dietz Funeral Home   “Earl S. Dietz Funeral Home” was written by My Odd Sock and produced …

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Schooled By A Three-Year Old

Schooled By A Three-Year Old

Enjoy this encore presentation of My Odd Sock!    (Fancy talk, eh?)      She wasn’t shy.  Nor intimidated. She walked up to me and gingerly picked up my cane which was leaning against the table. “Don’t touch that” her mother said. It’s OK” I replied.  “You can play with it” I said to the little …

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Shopping At Chair Level

Shopping At Chair Level

    The holiday season means it is time to hunker down into my wheelchair and face the Christmas hustle & bustle at crotch-eye level.   Yes, Christmas shopping is all the more merrier from the seated position.  (Now I know why Santa is always sitting down!)   Well, with my list in-hand, let’s roll …

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Brain Drain #11

Brain Drain #11

    My, how festive.  Even the drain is decorated for the holidays! Let’s see what is rolling around in the ol’ brain case that needs to be let out like the family dog…….       Hanky Panky When you think about it, the cloth handkerchief has to go down as the absolute worst …

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On Disability–Have Ability

On Disability–Have Ability

    Having been on disability for a little over a year now…and slowly shuffling with a cane, conjures up the image of a fragile, helpless being in the eyes of others.   And with that…..PFFOOT—TOOY! I spit in the face of the thought.  (That is, if  I could spit.  As a kid, I envied …

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Phone Book Fun

Phone Book Fun

  Letting my fingers do the walking through the Yellow Pages of the phone book is a kick I’ve enjoyed for many years.  It’s a fun way to kill some time when you have a moment. Maybe it’s my background in advertising that draws me to gander at the ads.  Or, maybe it’s my fascination …

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My Odd Sock’s Wikileaks

My Odd Sock’s Wikileaks

  Throughout the world, diplomatic relations have been strained by the release of highly-sensitive documents by Wikileaks, a whistle blowing website. More than 250,000 articles containing confidential data, classified & national-security information have been made public, tarnishing foreign diplomacy of the United States and beyond.   Not to be excluded from the incriminating leaks, My …

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Robo-Six Million Dollar-Iron Man

Robo-Six Million Dollar-Iron Man

    What do you call the morphing of “Robocop”, TV’s “Six Million Dollar Man” and “Iron Man” into one slightly-stooped human being? It’s me—My Odd Sock and I’ve just taken another stiff step to becoming more machine and less human.   “We can rebuild him. We have the technology.  We can make him better than …

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