Author: Doug Ankerman

Opportunity Of A Lifetime

Opportunity Of A Lifetime

  Dreams only come true for a select few. The rest of us shlubs must work, toil, write & rewrite, spell-check, create, imagine, record ideas on scraps of paper in the middle of the night and suffer writer’s block…not to mention, constipation…chasing the dream, the position, the title we have always imagined! Mine?–was to be …

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How Dumb Are We Getting?

How Dumb Are We Getting?

  Statistics indicate we are an intelligent group. A 2009 study reported that of all Americans age 25 and over….86.6% are high school graduates.  55.6% had some college training.  And 38.% were college graduates.   Educated, yet hidden among my slices of turkey, I found this little packet of a drying agent clearly marked “Do …

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5 Fav

5 Fav

    The My Odd Sock Consumer Research Department is conducting a highly sophisticated poll. Your participation is greatly encouraged as the results will be tabulated, analyzed and then immediately stored (thrown into) in one of several, secure My Odd Sock “information receptacles.”     OK, enough of the nonsense.  (Isn’t everything about this website nonsense?) …

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Spring Cleaning

Spring Cleaning

    Time to do some spring cleaning around the My Odd Sock corporate office. Time to clean out some random thoughts, ideas & observations. Put on your rubber gloves because this could get messy!        Master of My Domain I was informed by an international domain registry that a Chinese investment firm …

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Rest In Peace

Rest In Peace

  In Memoriam My Odd Sock’s beloved Pen  Pen June 2009-April 2011   Pen departed this life peacefully Friday morning in the hand of My Odd Sock. A tireless worker, pen was the devoted, creative transcriptionist who painstakingly recorded the bizarre thoughts dribbling from the brain case of My Odd Sock.       Pen …

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Swiss Army Knife of Treatment

Swiss Army Knife of Treatment

  The Swiss Army Knife. First introduced in 1859, this baby was the cat’s meow of knives! The Swiss Army Knife was decked out like a pimp’s Cadillac Coupe DeVille.  It’s the McGyver of cutlery!   Boasting not only a main blade and a smaller blade too…, tweezers, a toothpick, corkscrew, can-opener, flat-head screwdriver, Phillips-head …

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What Is That?

What Is That?

  Upon entering our home, the little boy sheepishly asked his mother, “Why do they have their TV in a box?  And why is it sitting on the floor?” They were honest questions, spoken with the innocence of an eight-year-old. The mother, cautious not to frighten her child, told him “Sweetie, it’s not in a …

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Missing Body Parts

Missing Body Parts

  The English language can be a savage beast. The vernacular of some words and phrases can leave a strikingly gruesome scar in the minds of others.  (I oughta know, my use of adjectives & adverbs put my 7th grade English teacher in a coma for weeks!)   For example, when I ask a buddy …

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Give Till It Hurts

Give Till It Hurts

  Asking for donations is the life-blood of most charity organizations–but when is enough enough? I mean really. You donate a meager pittance of your fortune, and the next thing you know, you are inundated with requests  from other charities asking you to donate to their cause.   Preservation of this…Conservation of that…Juvenile Psoriasis…Endowment for …

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Audio Earwax

Audio Earwax

    It’s time for some listening fun!   You might have seen the TV commercials for “Five Hour Energy.”  (When the guy tying his tie comes down the stairs, I think he looks like Michael J. Fox)     Well, here is an mp3 audio commercial for a new product by the same makers.  To …

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