Author: Doug Ankerman

Season’s Greetings

Season’s Greetings

      They re-run those TV Christmas specials year after year, so why not do the same with a Christmas “My Odd Sock.” Here goes…       “The Odd Stocking was hung by the chimney with care, in hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there.”   *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *   …

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Up & Down

Up & Down

  Up & down.  Up & down.  One must be describing the New York Stock Exchange, right?  (No, that would be mostly down.)  How about a public opinion poll?  Or maybe gas prices?  (No, that would be mostly up!)   Specifically, what I am trying to explain is my activity level. You see, I can’t …

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Five Fav–TV Sitcoms

Five Fav–TV Sitcoms

    My Odd Sock routinely avoids the pressing issues of the day…to instead, openly debate the ridiculous. And today, is no exception!   I want to know YOUR five favorite TV sitcoms.  The shows you never missed!  The kind of TV sitcom that caused you to rearrange your social calendar.  (I never had a …

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Bowl You Over

Bowl You Over

    If you LOVE college football, you know what is about to kick-off (bad pun)….it’s “Bowl Season!”   But before you settle into that recliner to watch all the action, be aware there are thirty-five, yes, thirty-five bowl games in the next month.     How that number grew from the eight or ten …

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I Just Want A Toothbrush

I Just Want A Toothbrush

       Buying a home can be overwhelming. Buying a car can be confusing. But buying a new toothbrush should be neither!     Or so I thought upon facing the toothbrush “aisle.”  (Yeah, when something has its own “aisle,” you know you’re screwed!)   I thought it would be a no-brainer, grab & …

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Got It?

Got It?

    It was a brief exchange of words.  Six to be exact. Her two…”Got it?” And my wordy response of four…”Yeah, I got it.” What a scary man!     Sure, there were fewer words spoken during the Kardashian nuptial, but these six words have been bouncing around inside my empty head longer than …

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Turkey Day Dressing

Turkey Day Dressing

  Happy Thanksgiving!     You know, nothing says Thanksgiving like…….          …an ice cream cake shaped like a turkey! Thank you Baskin Robbins, my holiday now has purpose!   Have a tremendous holiday.                

Flying Disabled

Flying Disabled

  Being a holiday week, some of you may be on the go, so I thought it would be fun to revisit a travel experience!  Enjoy…        Did you know November is National Aviation Month?  And here at the My Odd Sock household, we are busy celebrating! While I am frantically addressing my Avaition …

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Audio Earwax

Audio Earwax

You can’t watch TV without seeing a commercial for “Five Hour Energy,” the little bottle taken to increase your energy. Well, here is a new product parody, written by My Odd Sock and produced by Tony Gialuca Productions, just click on the title at the end of this sentence to hear a :60 mp3 version …

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MS’s Most Devastating Condition

MS’s Most Devastating Condition

  A Message from the Editor     This edition of My Odd Sock has been rated “S” for “serious.”   The usual low-brow humor has been replaced by a lot of wah-wah, belly-aching chit-chat and visions of the world’s smallest violin playing “My Heart Bleeds For You.”         –Helen Eleanor Saggybags,  …

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