Author: Doug Ankerman



    There are TV networks devoted to all sports (ESPN), news (CNN), weather (The Weather Channel), kid’s (Nickelodeon), races (BET & Telemundo), even political affiliations…right-wing (Fox) and left-wing (Comedy Central)!   But finally, for those of us with multiple sclerosis, there is a now a tv network that caters to our specific entertainment.  Yes, …

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A Soggy Cereal Saga

A Soggy Cereal Saga

  Blake sat with a puzzled look on his scruffy, morning face. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and wondered what had happened to his favorite breakfast fare. Something was different.  It didn’t feel quite right. Wipe the milk from your chin, young Blake and I shall explain the cereal squeeze.          Here’s the …

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Good Grief

Good Grief

    “Good grief,” says Charlie Brown during times of frustration. If only grief was as simple as when Lucy pulls the football away and Chuck is about to give it a boot.   Unfortunately you and I know grief as a feeling we get in response to a personal loss we have experienced.   …

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My Odd Sock Loose Ends

My Odd Sock Loose Ends

      It is time to straighten up the “Topics” page of the My Odd Sock journal. Time to clean up and clear out various bits & pieces of ideas and observations for your reading displeasure. So, lend me a hand and we’ll get this done in no time. C’mon…     Chevy Truck …

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Take A Bow

Take A Bow

    Have you ever had a fall that looked worse than what it was? A spill that was ugly, yet graceful? A tumble that was nimble, but awkward? A fall where you escaped injury, but wished you could have been judged on your artistic & athletic recovery?      Well, My Odd Sock had …

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Brain Drain #15

Brain Drain #15

    It is like plunging the toilet.  Sometimes you just gotta do it. And what better way to begin 2012 than with a clean slate….and an empty head! So, I would like to drain the brain of some lingering nonsense from the previous year. Shall we?   Let’s begin….     Work This    …

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Greatest Fear

Greatest Fear

      When you receive a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis–fear becomes a big part of the equation. Fear of the unknown.  Fear of the future. Will I be able to walk?  Will I be in a wheelchair?       But as time goes by, your fear subsides.  It doesn’t go away…it just lurks in …

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The Occupied Movement

The Occupied Movement

      Throughout our great nation, citizens revolt.  Demonstrations reign.  Anger is vented by loud shouts of unfairness & inequality. The majority (99%ers) versus the minority (1%ers) in a economic battle of David and Goliath.     I did not fully understand the deep meaning of these public outcrys.  Until just the other day …

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Party On Wayne

Party On Wayne

    Sometimes, having multiple sclerosis can lead to some awkward social situations. And attending a recent party was no exception.   The setting was a lot of people, loud music, in a small space—typically, the perfect scene for your average social animal.  But add MS into the mix and you get the hijinks of a bad …

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Not So Top Ten For 2011

Not So Top Ten For 2011

      This time of year, it seems we find ourselves up to our nanny parts with “top ten, year in review” type junk. And here at My Odd Sock (because I am as lame as all the rest), we offer all the same! This “Not So Top Ten” list includes the best of …

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