Author: Doug Ankerman

Hardest Time Of The Day

Hardest Time Of The Day

      With multiple sclerosis, you and I both know what ails us can change from one day to the next. We are doing fine on Tuesday…but on Wednesday, we become a mime who doesn’t simply “feel” the wall–we run face first, smack-dab into it!       Unfortunately, not only can our MS …

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Odds & Ends

Odds & Ends

      It’s time to do some sprucing up of the My Odd Sock topic’s page. Time to clean-up & clear-out some disjointed, mish-mashed, nonsensical ideas.  (How is that different from anything else on this website, right?)     So, in no particular order, here we go….   Spanish Salsa The back cover of …

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Giving In

Giving In

    Did I give up too soon?       Noo, that isn’t a long, forgotten quote from General George Custer. It is what’s been bouncing around in my big, empty head these days.         Did I give up too soon on balancing multiple sclerosis with gainful employment?   Though being …

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Dog Daze

Dog Daze

    Some days I wrack my lesion-filled brain for a subject to write about here at My Odd Sock. And other times, inspiration falls right into your lap!   Like it did recently as I was looking through one of those value flyer’s one gets in the mail. There before my mono-browed eyes, was …

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On The Double

On The Double

        In baseball, we have the double play.           There’s the double dip ice cream cone.             We have my favorite gum “Dubble Bubble.”           And today, My Odd Sock “gimps” with…..     ….double canes!         …

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Remembering When…

Remembering When…

Why not remember this My Odd Sock once again?  I saved it just for this occasion.  Enjoy!      Ah yes, memories.  The cornerstone of our minds. I feel like singing, but I’ll spare you as my singing voice resembles a cat in a fan. My voice is flatter than Kansas!   As humans, we …

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Things I Miss

Things I Miss

  Please enjoy this retread My Odd Sock.  (I enjoyed reading it for a second time–and I wrote it!)     I love lists.  I love to read lists.  Give me a list of the top ten reasons to do whatever and I am as engaged as a dog staring at something shiny.   I …

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Key(ring) To Savings

Key(ring) To Savings

“Shopping” for a humor post, I saw this oldie and thought a “return” visit would be nice. Enjoy.      It started with one. For me, the first one was a stroke of genius!  What a novel idea….and a convenient way for me to accumulate and build a valuable cache of bonus-reward-perk-advantage points! Then I …

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Me & My (MS) Shadow

Me & My (MS) Shadow

  Enjoy this encore My Odd Sock from a couple of years ago!   A recent spell of sunshine forced me outdoors to air things out, so to speak. The welcome sun will do that to you after a long winter! The warm rays felt good on my pale hide.  While the stark brightness burned …

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Breaking The Code

Breaking The Code

      I must have missed the meeting explaining the purpose of the secret, hieroglyphic whatchamacallits I find everywhere these days. Turns out they are not “hieroglyphic whatchamacallits” after all–but are QR Codes.       Short for “Quick Response,” the QR Code is a jacked-up two-dimensional matrix barcode when compared to the wimpy, …

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