Author: Doug Ankerman

Audio EarWax Plus!

Audio EarWax Plus!

      Let’s blow the dust off of a couple parody radio commercials in this edition of Audio EarWax. Both pieces were written by My Odd Sock and produced by my friend at Tony Gialluca Productions.   Simply click on the blue title and your computer’s media player should open to play these :60 …

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Clearing The Page

Clearing The Page

    Sometimes it is best to start fresh.     As you can tell from the picture, My Odd Sock’s Topic/Idea page is plumb-full of scribbles, notes and enough unfunny jokes to remind one of an Adam Sandler movie (Or my stand-up act)!   But before I begin a new Topic/Idea page in my …

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Fear Of Being Seen

Fear Of Being Seen

    “You gotta get out there.” “Be more social.” “Don’t shut yourself off.”   I’ve heard’em all.  And you probably have too!   The truth is, I’m not anti-social.  I just feel uncomfortable being in social situations, seated in my wheelchair, suited up like Iron Man with an AFO strapped to my leg and …

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Mother’s Day Salute: Patricia Krentcil

Mother’s Day Salute: Patricia Krentcil

    Being Mother’s Day weekend, My Odd Sock would like to honor and salute the most misunderstood mother of recent days….Patricia Krentcil, aka “Tanning Mom.”   Patricia is the 44 year-old mother who is being vilified in the media for excessive tanning as well as allowing her 6 year-old daughter to join her in the …

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Walk This Way

Walk This Way

      Whaat?   A guy with multiple sclerosis is gonna talk to ME about walking? That’s laughable. Next, you’ll tell me a heart patient is talking about snow shoveling….a diabetic who’s making cupcakes….or a chemo patient chatting about hair growth.   All kidding aside, My Odd Sock, accompanied by his two sidekick canes, wanted …

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Learning From A Teenager

Learning From A Teenager

    As a 48 year old adult with a college education (a lofty 2.3 GPA), there was a time when I could say with confidence there was absolutely NOTHING to learn from some punk teenager. Boy, was I mistaken!   My teenage son just taught me an easier way to peel a banana!   …

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Two Minutes and Counting

Two Minutes and Counting

 Because of a lack of time, let’s dredge-up this older My Odd Sock for your reading displeasure.  Enjoy…   When you have multiple sclerosis everything takes longer.  Longer to get dressed.  Longer to go to the bathroom.  Heck, I can’t change my mind without a delay in my function-junction! So when you put me “on-the-clock,” …

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Letter To America

Letter To America

    Dear fellow citizens,   Amidst the news of a prostitution scandal in Cartagena, Columbia involving agents of the Secret Service, let it be known that at no point was U.S. national security threatened, nor the safety of the president compromised.     Eleven Secret Service agents were implicated in the scandal. All those …

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The True/False MS Quiz

The True/False MS Quiz

    How much do you really know about your multiple sclerosis?    Take this short true/false quiz to find out.    (I always loved true/false questions in school—at least I had a 50% chance of getting it correct!)       So sharpen your pencil and let’s begin…..             (True or False)   …

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Murder At My Odd Sock

Murder At My Odd Sock

    A gruesome, murderous crime spree has been discovered inside the kitchen commissary of My Odd Sock.   Apparently, bananas were the only intended victims of this heinous act, described by many as a “hate crime” directed toward the yellow fruit.     My Odd Sock investigative reporters (me) have uncovered official police photographs …

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