Author: Doug Ankerman

My Odd Sock Vacation Photos!

My Odd Sock Vacation Photos!

      My Odd Sock is excited to share some candid photographs of my recent trip to the U.K! Visiting a castle has always been on my bucket list.  And what better place to tour one–than in jolly ‘ol England! (Castles are few and far between here in Ohio!)     So I strapped on …

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Home At Last

Home At Last

      It’s good to finally be home. And good to be once again writing this rubbish called My Odd Sock. I enjoyed visiting family as well as the sights of jolly ol’ England during the last two weeks.     Of course, always looking for new experiences, England didn’t disappoint as I would …

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Gotta Go Right Now

Gotta Go Right Now

  This may be from the past, but it is still true today.  Enjoy!   I hear ya.  You’re saying “Another MS post about bladder control?…We know the drill.  Take a pill would you!” Alas, you are wrong! This isn’t about the bladder or the enlarging prostate at all—it’s about my self-described “gotta go mode.” …

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Hooked On Hoveround

Hooked On Hoveround

  Take a spin through this My Odd Sock from the past!   I’m an addict. I gotta have it. My body & mind crave it. But I can only find it late mornings during “The Price is Right” or the 10am version of the “Today Show” that no one watches.   Of course, I’m …

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Fall-Down Funny

Fall-Down Funny

 I hope you enjoy this re-run My Odd Sock…I need to go get more Band-aids!   I’m “Fall-Down” funny.  Not funny-hilarious.  I fall down so often, it’s funny. My doctor will ask “Have you fallen recently?”  And I respond by saying “Which day?” I fall so often, people think “Spic-N-Span” is my aftershave. I fall …

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Noteworthy Messages

Noteworthy Messages

Please make a note to enjoy this My Odd Sock from the past!   I have a bad habit AND a dilemma. My bad habit is not leaving a note telling others in my family of my whereabouts. It’s a bad habit I am working hard to break……which leads me to my dilemma.   My …

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My Diagnosis Story

My Diagnosis Story

    Everyone has a story to tell.  The story of the day they were first introduced to multiple sclerosis. For some the diagnosis takes a long time.  Seeing doctor after doctor, undergoing test after test, until finally getting the answer they never wanted. Others, like me, are dx’d right away.  Guess I’m a lucky …

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WTF Father’s Day Gift Guide

WTF Father’s Day Gift Guide

    With just a week till Father’s Day on June 17th, retailers are abuzz, each claiming to have the perfect gift for Dad.   Well, they may be stretching the truth a bit as My Odd Sock has been busy scouring the ads, looking for the self-described “perfect gift” that in all honesty may …

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Attention-Getting Headlines

Attention-Getting Headlines

    Newspapers have long been associated with big headlines in order to sell more issues. The tabloid rags are famous for their exclusive stories about Bigfoot being the next judge on “American Idol.”  Or pictures of Jessica Simpson’s three-headed baby. I admit, they catch my eye when I’m in line at the grocery store …

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Unfashionably Disabled

Unfashionably Disabled

      T-shirt. Check. Pull-on shorts. Check.   I’m ready to roll.  Literally.       With MS, one must dress for comfort.  As well as a quick disrobe when nature calls faster than it takes to unbutton & unzip!     I try not to dress like a fashion train-wreck. But I know …

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