Author: Doug Ankerman

To Whom It May Concern

To Whom It May Concern

        Like the works of the great literary giants, the following is a collection of random thoughts addressed to no one in particular (Hence, the title). Those of you with MS will find that you may relate in some way, shape or form.     To Whom It May Concern: Don’t be offended …

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Back To School Shopping

Back To School Shopping

    It’s “Back To School” time and retailers are busy peddling the goods our schoolchildren need to succeed! My Odd Sock has been scouring the sale ads looking for the most ridiculous “gotta-haves.”  And let me tell you—retailers didn’t disappoint! It’s “Back To School Shopping”….My Odd Sock style!   Grab a shopping cart and …

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Standing Still

Standing Still

    Walking was a given. But who knew multiple sclerosis would steal my body’s ability to do the most basic activity of all…..standing still. I mean standing without aids…sans a cane, a crutch, a shoulder or a wall to lean against.       Standing is something I learned when I was two years …

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A Nielsen Family

A Nielsen Family

      There comes a time in life when you have power. When your decisions influence a nation. When late-night snack runs mean MORE than just adding to your waistline.         It happened to me just a few weeks ago as I became…..a member of the Nielsen family!     Yes, …

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The MS Olympics

The MS Olympics

      Every four years, MSers from around the globe gather together in competition. Their quest? To determine who is the strongest… who is the fastest… and who has the best bladder control.   It is the MS Olympics! And Team My Odd Sock is there to soak up any endorsement deals and surely …

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You Have Friends On Faceplant!

You Have Friends On Faceplant!

  At My Odd Sock, we (I) strive to promote a world of harmony and acceptance.  A world…free of hate and ignorance.  I believe it was astronaut Neil Armstrong who said…”That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” Thus, My Odd Sock is proud to introduce……        My Odd Sock …

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Drawing The Line

Drawing The Line

      Multiple Sclerosis is like a muscle-bound beach bully. Not only does it kick sand in your face by teasing & taunting you with all sorts of health issues, but MS also draws a line in the sand, forcing you to give up activities that define who you are.   The reason I …

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It’s Getting Hot In Here

It’s Getting Hot In Here

Because I am too cranky to come up with something new, I finally decided to repost this fitting My Odd Sock. Swelter…and enjoy!      Summer is here in all its glory.  And like you, I’m stuck inside, chomping at the bit to get out to enjoy summer’s splendor.  The Heatmeister’s “hot & humid” conditions make it …

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Andy, Mayberry & Wapak

Andy, Mayberry & Wapak

    Like most, I was saddened at the news of Andy Griffith’s passing in early July. As a kid, I loved the homespun humor & life lessons of TV’s “The Andy Griffith Show.” I felt a connection to the program and to Mayberry, the ficticious town where Andy served as sheriff.   Mayberry was  …

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Say What?

Say What?

      Kids say the darndest things, right? If that’s true, then at times, adults must say some MEGA-stupid things (or so it seems) when talking to those of us with multiple sclerosis.   Because through the years, I’ve heard some real good ‘ol insert-foot-in-mouth, you-gotta-be-kidding-me comments.   Many, so idiotic, the person saying …

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