Author: Doug Ankerman

MS aMuSings

MS aMuSings

        It’s time to clear out some MS related items from the My Odd Sock filing cabinet. So here in no particular order, I give you various “musings,” hopefully presented in a humorous way….thus called ‘amusings.” (Clever as mold, aren’t I?)       Stem Cell Study Update   In a previous …

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Unwanted House Guests

Unwanted House Guests

    I haven’t found them yet.  But I know they are here. Wherever they are….they’re silent. They haven’t touched any of the food in the fridge…so who knows WHAT they are eating. Same with the drinks.  None missing. I haven’t noticed an increase in dirty laundry.  Haven’t heard the toilets flushing, but I know …

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A Man In A Woman’s World

A Man In A Woman’s World

      The following has been rated “S” and contains statements of sarcasm, sexism and stereotypes. No one under the age of 17 will be permitted to read further unless accompanied by a female gym teacher.     This whole MS thing strikes me down to the core of my “Y” chromosome. If multiple …

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Halloween Haunts

Halloween Haunts

  It’s Halloween!  The time of year that has become as fun for adults as it is for kids.   Estimates say we spend eight billion dollars a year to celebrate with costumes, candy & decorations. Eight billion dollars…and this poor kid couldn’t look happier! Yeah, mom & dad thought it would be so cute …

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“Write-It-Yourself” MS Photo Captions

“Write-It-Yourself” MS Photo Captions

    It’s time we had a little fun with our multiple sclerosis. (Like everyday is a real gas, right?) So in this My Odd Sock, the selection committee (me) has posted several photographs depicting life with MS.   Next, the creative services department (me) has added three (hopefully) funny captions to each photograph.   …

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Brain Drain #18

Brain Drain #18

Brain Drain   A hearty welcome back to “Brain Drain,” the column devoted to nonsense found in and around our world. “Brain Drain” gives us the opportunity to let go of all the goofy stuff that clogs our noggins. So let’s pull the plug and see what empties out……       Back of the …

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Weather Or Not

Weather Or Not

    Life with multiple sclerosis can be routine. Or at least I try to make it so.     Going to bed and getting up at the same time each day.  Taking meds at the same time.  Eating pretty much the same thing. Everything in routine clockwork to keep my MS from stirring. Yes, …

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It Gets No Respect

It Gets No Respect

        The late Rodney Dangerfield perspired and nervously pulled at his tie, claiming he didn’t get any respect. When in reality, Rodney’s “schtick” earned him the distinction (and money) of being one of the most successful comedians ever.   But this isn’t about him.       It is about an inanimate …

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One More Day

One More Day

    I am not a prolific reader. It’s not that I don’t enjoy reading, the problem is that I fall asleep while doing it.  I get comfortable, cruise through a page or two and before long my head is bobbing with such force I have marks on my forehead from my face hitting the …

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